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Grain Grading Tools


Other Grading Factors


Subjective grading factors

For subjective grading factors, there are no percentages set as limits for each grade. Samples affected by a subjective grading factor are graded using the definition of the grade, better known as the Degree of Soundness as well as the visual standard sample and guide samples prepared by the Chief Grain Inspector for Canadian Grain Commission staff. The standards demonstrate, as close as possible, the physical interpretation of the Degree of Soundness defined in Schedule 3 of the Canada Grain Regulations.


The Degree of Soundness for a Wheat, No. 1 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) reads: Reasonably well matured; reasonably free from damaged kernels.

Inspectors compare samples to this definition and to the standards that represent, as close as possible, the minimum level of quality expected for a particular grade. The sample in review must be better than or equal these resources, otherwise it is assigned to the next lower grade.

Objective grading factors

Objective grading factors have numerical tolerances or minimums and maximums per grade.


A maximum of 0.03 percent stones, by weight, in a sample of Wheat, No. 1 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS)


A minimum of 60 percent HVK kernels in a sample of Wheat, No. 2 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD)

Do you have a grading question? To find an answer, contact

Louise Sartorio
Manager, Inspector Training and Development
Telephone: (204) 983-4500

Last updated: 2005-06-16