Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Getting an income tax return

Does the CRA provide copies of tax returns other than the T1 General on its Web site or at its tax offices?

No. We do not provide our simplified returns on our Web site, or at our tax offices. This is because these returns do not contain all of the income, deduction, and credit lines and information that some individuals might need. It would be poor service to allow an individual to obtain a return, only to find that it cannot be used because it does not contain the required lines or information. All lines are included on the General return, so anyone can use it.

Which simplified returns does the CRA offer for individuals to whom much of the General return doesn't apply?

We produce several simplified returns:

  • the T1S-A return containing the income, deduction, and credit amounts common to seniors;
  • the T1S-C return for low-income individuals who only need to file to continue receiving GST/HST credit and Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) payments; and
  • the T1 Special for individuals whose situations are not complex enough to need the General return, but who cannot use the T1S-A or T1S-C return.

How does the CRA decide which return package it sends to each person?

We send a General or simplified return to each individual, depending on the types of income, deductions, and credits shown on his or her returns for previous years.

What should you do if you don't have the simplified return you were sent?

Because copies of our simplified returns are not available, you should get a copy of the General return from Forms and publications, one of our offices, or (between February and the end of April) a postal outlet.