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November 21, 2007
Government of Canada awards $39,949 in funding to the Société d’aide au développement des collectivités du Haut-Saint-Maurice
November 19, 2007
Government of Canada awards $100,000 in funding to the Société coopérative agricole de l’Île-aux-Grues
November 19, 2007
Government of Canada grants $275,000 in funding to Auberge du Km 31
November 14, 2007
Government of Canada awards more than $18.4 million in funding to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics
November 13, 2007
Government of Canada grants $100,000 in funding to Les Cuisines Modernes 1992 enr.

Last revised: 2007-11-21 Page Up Important Notices
Date published: 2005-12-23