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The Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling (The GHS) - Implementation of the GHS in Canada

Consumer Chemicals

Table 2: Comparison of Hazard Communication: Consumer Chemicals [Physical]



The Hazardous Products Act (HPA) under which the CCCR falls, does not apply to explosives within the meaning of the Explosives Act.


Danger - Explosive


Explosive; mass explosion hazard

Danger - Explosive


Explosive; severe projection hazard

Danger - Explosive


fire, blast or projection hazard



Fire or projection hazard



May explode in fire









* Apply to substances or mixtures subject to the UN Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations

Flammable Gases



-a gas, other than a gas in a spray container, that forms a flammable mixture with air at a concentration of 13% or less by volume at normal atmospheric pressure; or

-a gas, other than a gas in spray container, that forms a flammable mixture with air over a concentration range of 12% or more by volume at normal atmospheric pressure.

Danger - Flammable

Contents May Catch Fire

No criteria


Category 1

- ignitable when in a mixture of 13% or less by volume of air; or

- have a flammable range of at least 12 percentage points, regardless of lower flammable limit

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Extremely flammable gas

Category 2

-gases, other than those in Category 1, have a flammable range while mixed in air

No symbol

Flammable gas

Analysis: Under the CCCR, the criteria for Flammable Gases aligns with Category 1 of the GHS and are essentially the same. The flammable symbol will be modified to a revised flammable glyph and a red diamond border. The GHS label hazard statement is Extremely Flammable for Category 1 whereas the CCCR is Flammable. Signal word is the same. The GHS has criteria for lower hazard flammable gases in Category 2 whereas the CCCR do not classify.

Future Work: Consider Category 2 for consumer products if applicable.

Flammable Aerosols


Very Flammable

- a liquid or gas in spray container that has a flame projection of 100 cm or more; or exhibits a flashback.

(Generally prohibited)


- a liquid or gas in a spray container that has a flame projection of 15 cm or more but less than 100 cm.

Danger - Contents may catch fire

Contents May Catch Fire


Category 1

-contains greater-than or equal to 85% flammable components and has a heat of combustion greater-than or equal to 30 kJ/g.

-for spray aerosols, has an ignition distance greater-than or equal to 75cm.

-for foam aerosols, has a flame height greater-than or equal to 20 cm and a flame duration greater-than or equal to 2s or a flame height greater-than or equal to 4 cm and a flame duration greater-than or equal to 7s.

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Extremely flammable aerosol

Category 2

-for spray aerosols, does not have a heat of combustion

< 20 kJ/g

-has an ignition distance greater-than or equal to 15cm

-in the enclosed space ignition test has a time equivalent less-than or equal to 300 s/m3; or deflagration density less-than or equal to 300 g/m3.

- for foam aerosols, has a flame height greater-than or equal to4 cm and a flame duration greater-than or equal to 2s.

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Flammable aerosol

Flammable Aerosols


The criteria for this endpoint differ for the GHS and the CCCR as they are based on different tests. Under the CCCR, the criteria for spray containers (which includes aerosol and pump-spray containers) are based on flame projection and flashback tests. The GHS criteria use the chemical heat of combustion and if applicable, the results of the foam test (flame height and flame duration) for foam aerosols, and ignition distance test and enclosed spray test for spray aerosols. Flashback is not part of the GHS criteria.

The flammable symbol will be modified to a revised flammable glyph and a red diamond border. Signal words and hazard statements differ slightly.

Future Work:

For spray aerosols, the length of flame projection and ignition distance are theoretically different tests. It is not know whether their practical applications may be similar. This would require further analysis. It has been recommended to Transport Canada who had worked on this endpoint that the GHS criteria also include the consideration of flashback and the length of flame projection. A formal proposal may be presented to the GHS Subcommittee for work for the second biennium.

The CCCR also covers refillable spray containers (pump-sprays) which are not covered by the GHS. It has been recommended that the GHS develop criteria for flammable liquids in refillable spray containers. In addition to the flashpoint, the length of flame projection should be measured and the product classified into the higher level of hazard.

Oxidizing Gases


No criteria


Category 1

Any gas which may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more than air does.

Danger - Heat may cause a fire

May cause or intensify fire; oxidizer

Analysis: This endpoint may not be applicable to the CCCR but this should be confirmed.

Gases Under Pressure


Pressurized Containers

Applies to a pressurized container that

(a) contains or will contain a substance that, when in a liquid state, has an absolute vapour pressure greater than 275 kPa at 37.8°C as determined using ASTM D 323; or

(b) is or will be pressurized to an absolute pressure greater than 275 ± 1 kPa at 21.1°C or 717 ± 2 kPa at 54.4°C.

Danger - Contents Under Pressure


Contents Under Pressure
Container May Explode If Heated


GHS Definition: Gases under pressure are gases which are contained in a receptacle at a pressure no less than 280 kPa at 20 degrees Celsius or as a refrigerated liquid.

Specific criteria for each of the following groups in outlined in Table 1 of Chapter 2.5 of the GHS document.

Compressed Gas

Warning - Contents under pressure


Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated

Liquified Gas

Warning - Contents under pressure


Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated

Refrigerated Liquified Gas

Warning - Contents under pressure


Contains refrigerated gas; may cause cryogenic burns or injury

Dissolved Gas

Warning - Contents under pressure


Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated

Gases Under Pressure


The CCCR criteria is essentially similar to the GHS definition for gases under pressure. It is assumed that a pressure of 275 kPA at 21.1°C is essentially the same as 280 kPa at 20°C.

The CCCR however, does not have specific criteria for each of the 4 groups: compressed gas, liquified gas, dissolved gas and refrigerated liquified gas.

The hazard symbol will now be a compressed gas cylinder as opposed to an exploding rock which under the GHS has been reserved for explosives. The octagon border will be replaced by the red diamond border under the GHS.

The signal word of "Caution" will be replaced by "Warning" under the GHS. The hazard statements differ slightly and are more specific under the GHS.

The CCCR apply to an empty container that will be filled.

Flammable Liquids

Flammable Liquids


Criteria for both systems is based on the flashpoint of the substance or mixture. The GHS, however, also includes consideration of initial boiling point for extremely or highly flammable substances. In general, the criteria cut-offs for both systems do not align in any category.

Under the CCCR, products that are Very Flammable will be classified as Extremely or Highly Flammable under the GHS. There will be minor change to the symbol such that the flame glyph will be modified slightly and the GHS red diamond border will replace the octagon. The signal word will change from "Extreme Danger" to "Danger"for substances with flashpoints below -18°C. The primary hazard statement will be modified as above. The current prohibition of products below -18°C is outside of the scope of the GHS and will continue.

Under the CCCR, some products (those with flashpoints up to 23 °C) that are Flammable will be classified as Extremely or Highly Flammable under the GHS. The symbol will be modified as indicated above. The signal word will remain as "Danger" and the primary hazard statement will be modified.

Under the CCCR, Flammable products with flashpoints between 23°C and 37.8°C will be classified also as Flammable under the GHS. The symbol is modified as indicated above and the signal word of "Warning" will replace "Danger". The primary hazard statement will also be modified.

Under the CCCR, products that are Combustible will be classified as Flammable under the GHS. The flammable symbol will now be required where it was not required under the CCCR. A signal word will now be required and the primary hazard statements will be modified.

Under the CCCR, products with higher flashpoints (greater than 60 °C ) are not classified. Under the GHS, these products will now be classified as Combustible. No symbol will be required. A primary hazard statement will be required.

Flammable Solids


Very Flammable

A solid, paste or gel that emits a vapour that has a flash point of less than -18C.

Generally prohibited.

Warning - Flammable

Extreme Danger

Very Flammable
Vapour May Catch Fire


A solid, paste or gel that emits a vapour that has a flash point of

-18C or more but not more than 37.8C.

Warning - Flammable


Vapour May Catch Fire


A solid, paste or gel that emits a vapour that has a flash point of more than 37.8C but not more than 60.0 C.

No symbol

Keep away from flames or sparks.


Category 1

-substances or mixtures

other than metal powders

(a) wetted zone does not stop fire &

(b) burning time < 45 sec burning rate > 2.2 mm/sec

-metal powders: burning time less-than or equal to 5 min

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Flammable solid

Category 2

-substances or mixtures other than metal powders

(a) wetted zone stops fire for at least 4 min &

(b) burning time < 45 sec

or burning rate > 2.2 mm/sec

-metal powders: burning time > 5 min and less-than or equal to 10 min

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Flammable solid

Flammable Solids


The CCCR criteria are aimed at measuring the flashpoint of the vapours that are emitted from solids, pastes or gels as opposed to the material itself. The GHS criteria are aimed at measuring the burning time and rate of the actual solid material such as powders and are not concerned with the vapour. The criteria for this endpoint therefore cannot be compared.

The GHS criteria for flammable liquids may be more appropriate measuring the flashpoint of the vapours that are emitted from solids, pastes and gels as opposed to the criteria for flammable solids.

Future Work:

It may be recommended that solids, gels and pastes that emit flammable vapours be classified as per the GHS flammable liquids criteria in addition to the criteria for flammable solids (if applicable).

Self-Reactive Substances


No criteria


Type A

Danger - Explosive


Heating may cause an explosion

Type B

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses

Danger - Explosive


Heating may cause a fire or explosion

Type C & D

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Heating may cause a fire

Type E & F

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Heating may cause a fire

Type G

No label elements


It may be unlikely that self reactive substances or mixtures are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Pyrophoric Liquids


No criteria


Category 1

-liquid ignites within 5 min when added to an inert carrier and exposed to air, or it ignites or chars a filter paper on contact with air within 5 min

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Catches fire spontaneously if ignited


It may be unlikely that pyrophoric liquids or mixtures are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Pyrophoric Solids


no criteria


Category 1

-solid ignites within 5 min of coming into contact with air

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Catches fire spontaneously if ignited


It may be unlikely that pyrophoric solids or mixtures are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Self Heating Substances


Spontaneously Combustible

(a) A product that spontaneously combusts under reasonably foreseeable conditions of use; or

(b) A product that heats spontaneously on contact with air to the point that it begins to burn

Danger - Possibility of Combustion


Read Instructions Before Using
Danger of Combustion



Category 1

Criteria are based on results of tests outlined in Table 1 of Chapter 2.11 of the GHS document.

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Self-heating; may catch fire

Category 2

Criteria are based on results of tests outlined in Table 1 of Chapter 2.11 of the GHS document.

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


Self-heating in large quantities; may catch fire


Under the GHS, self-heating of substances, leading to spontaneous combustion, is caused by reaction of the substance with oxygen (in the air) and the heat developed not being conducted away rapidly enough to the surroundings. Spontaneous combustion occurs when the rate of heat production exceeds the rate of heat loss and the auto-ignition temperature is reached.

The GHS criteria is concerned mainly with the self-heating of a solid substance. The CCCR criteria are directed at liquid and paste products that are intended to be used with rags for cleaning, rubbing or polishing purposes. A used rag that is not disposed of properly may create conditions for a fire caused by spontaneous combustion. Drying oils like linseed oil may meet this criteria.

Future Work:

It is uncertain if this endpoint can apply to liquid or paste products that may cause spontaneous combustion in foreseeable conditions of use. It may be more appropriate to develop a separate endpoint to deal with this hazard or it may be determined that this hazard is rather a risk posed by flammable liquids or pastes due to a foreseeable condition of use and not an inherent hazard related to the substance or mixture. Application of this endpoint for consumer products will require more discussion.

Substances, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases


No criteria


Category 1

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


In contact with water releases flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously.

Category 2

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


In contact with water releases flammable gases

Category 3

Danger : In contact with water releases flammable gasses


In contact with water releases flammable gases


It may be unlikely that these substances are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Oxidizing Liquids


No criteria


Category 1

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidizer

Category 2

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May intensify fire; oxidizer

Category 3

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May intensify fire; oxidizer


It may be unlikely that these substances are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Oxidizing Solids


No criteria


Category 1

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidizer

Category 2

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May intensify fire; oxidizer

Category 3

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


May intensify fire; oxidizer


It may be unlikely that these substances are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Organic Peroxides


No criteria


Type A

Danger - Explosive


Heating may cause an explosion

Type B

Danger - Explosive

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


Heating may cause a fire or explosion

Type C & D

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


Heating may cause a fire

Type E & F

Danger - Heat may cause a fire


Heating may cause a fire

Type G

No label elements


It may be unlikely that these substances are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Corrosive to Metals


No criteria


Category 1

Warning - May be corrosive


May be corrosive to metals


It may be unlikely that these substances are sold as consumer products, however, this should be verified.

Date Modified: 2007-06-04 Top