Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


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<html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="Corel WordPerfect 8"> <title>CANADA EXPRESSES CONCERN AND TAKES ACTION FOLLOWING RECENT EVENTS IN ZIMBABWE</title> </head> <body text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <p><font size="+1"></font><font size="+1"><strong></strong></font><font size="+1"><strong>May 11, 2001 <em>(12:45 p.m. EDT)</em> No. 59</strong></font></p> <p align="CENTER"><font size="+1"><strong>CANADA EXPRESSES CONCERN AND TAKES ACTION FOLLOWING RECENT EVENTS IN ZIMBABWE</strong></font></p> <p>John Manley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maria Minna, Minister for International Co-operation, and David Kilgour, Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa), today expressed concern and took action following the mistreatment of Canadian citizens in Zimbabwe, including the Canadian High Commissioner, James Wall.</p> <p>"I am very concerned at the mistreatment of our High Commissioner in Zimbabwe and the harassment and confinement of Canadian citizens in that country. This campaign of invasions of businesses and non-governmental organizations has apparently been condoned by the Government of Zimbabwe," said Mr. Manley. "Several days have passed since the Government of Canada alerted the Government of Zimbabwe of our concerns and there has been no appropriate response. I call upon the Zimbabwean government to provide a secure environment for Canadian diplomats, aid workers and citizens in Zimbabwe."</p> <p>On May 4, the Canadian Manager of CARE International in Zimbabwe, Dennis&nbsp;O'Brien, was forcibly removed from his offices in Harare and taken by a group of "war veterans" to the headquarters of the ruling party, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. The Canadian High Commissioner intervened several times and attempted, in vain, to obtain assistance from the Zimbabwean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.</p> <p>"Canada has long-standing ties with Zimbabwe," Minister Minna said. "We regret that the lack of rule of law, which has long affected the people of Zimbabwe, is now having a direct impact on Canadian citizens. This means that we must re-examine our aid relations with Zimbabwe." </p> <p>As a result of the recent events in Zimbabwe, the following actions will be taken:</p> <p>• Canada will suspend Zimbabwe's eligibility for future transactions in Export Development Corporation's export financing programs;</p> <p>• The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will not undertake any new initiatives with departments of the Government of Zimbabwe;</p> <p>• CIDA will put on hold the Mining Titles and Environment Project, a current project with the Government of Zimbabwe;</p> <p>• Canada will reconfirm the existing policy of barring all military sales to Zimbabwe;</p> <p>• Zimbabwean participation in Canadian peacekeeping training courses will be suspended; and</p> <p>• Canada will continue to work through the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) to bring international attention to bear on the problems of governance in Zimbabwe.</p> <p>Secretary of State Kilgour noted, "Canada has been encouraging a Commonwealth Ministerial mission from CMAG to conduct consultations with the Government of Zimbabwe, to convey its concerns and offer any appropriate Commonwealth assistance. To date, the Government of Zimbabwe has not responded positively to this mission." He also stated, "We call on the Government of Zimbabwe to open itself to dialogue with the international community, in light of what appears to be a downward spiral of economic and social conditions."</p> <p>The Ministers and Secretary of State stressed that Canada, through CIDA, remains committed to providing some assistance to the Zimbabwean people, as they face an economic downturn, an HIV/AIDS crisis and a possible drought. CIDA will also continue to work with democratic institutions in the country.</p> <p align="CENTER">- 30 -</p> <p>For further information, media representatives may contact:</p> <p>Sanjeev Chowdhury</p> <p>Press Secretary</p> <p>Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs</p> <p>(613) 995-1851</p> <p>Tasha Stefanis</p> <p>Office of the Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)</p> <p>(613) 944-2162</p> <p>Media Relations Office</p> <p>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade</p> <p>(613) 995-1874</p> <p>Mike Murphy</p> <p>Office of the Minister of International Co-operation</p> <p>(819) 953-6238 </p> <p>Media Relations Office</p> <p>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)</p> <p>(819) 953-6534</p> <p>E-mail: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Internet: <a href=""></a></p> <p>This document is also available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Internet site: <a href=""></a></p> </body> </html>

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