Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
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<html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="Corel WordPerfect 8"> <title>CANADA AND SPAIN ISSUE JOINT DECLARATION ON OVERALL RELATIONSHIP AND FISHERIES CO-OPERATION</title> </head> <body text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <p><font size="+1"></font><font size="+1"><strong>May 23, 2001 <em>(2:20 p.m. EDT)</em> No. 65</strong></font></p> <p align="CENTER"><font size="+1"><strong>CANADA AND SPAIN ISSUE JOINT DECLARATION ON OVERALL RELATIONSHIP AND FISHERIES CO-OPERATION</strong></font></p> <p>John Manley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in co-operation with his Spanish counterpart, Josep Piqu&eacute; i Camps, released today a Joint Declaration on the Overall Relationship and Fisheries Co-operation between Canada and Spain. The Declaration outlines the development of a complex and mature Canada-Spain relationship in the cultural, educational and political areas, as well as in the economic domain. The Declaration also reflects confidence in the future of the relationship. </p> <p>- 30 - </p> <p>The text of the Joint Declaration is attached.</p> <p>For further information, media representatives may contact:</p> <p>Sanjeev Chowdhury</p> <p>Press Secretary</p> <p>Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs</p> <p>(613) 995-1851</p> <p>Media Relations Office</p> <p>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade</p> <p>(613) 995-1874</p> <p align="CENTER"><font size="+1"><strong>JOINT DECLARATION REGARDING THE OVERALL RELATIONSHIP AND FISHERIES CO-OPERATION</strong></font></p> <p>The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Spain and Canada, who agreed at a meeting in February to have Senior Officials work on a statement regarding the general state of the relationship and notably the matter of fisheries co-operation, are pleased to release the following statement:</p> <p>The two governments have reviewed the state of bilateral relations. They have noted the significant development of bilateral relations between the two countries, particularly in the economic domain. They have noted in particular the very significant increase in investment between the two countries and the growing number of Spanish and Canadian companies that have established a commercial presence in the other country. The two governments have discussed co-operation in regions such as Asia and Latin America and regarding European Security and Defence Policy. In registering the development of a complex and mature relationship in the cultural, educational and political areas as well in the economic domain and the common interests and values that unite the two countries, the two governments expressed the need to intensify bilateral co-operation. They also expressed confidence in the future of the relationship.</p> <p>The two governments noted the advances that have taken place in the fisheries relationship between Canada and the European Union in recent years. In this context, both governments reaffirmed their conviction that fishing resources should be exploited in a sustainable and responsible manner. Both parties noted both the importance of the fishing industry for the economic survival of many coastal communities and their determination to defend their respective fisheries interests. They acknowledged their countries' effective capability to exercise control and supervision over the ships flying their flags so that those ships comply with conservation and management measures for high seas fisheries resources that have been agreed in accordance with international law.</p> <p>Both governments acknowledge the value of measures established by regional fishing management organizations and particularly those established by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Without prejudice to the respective positions of Canada and Spain concerning the dispute which arose in 1995, they also commit themselves to co-operate with the aim of achieving a harmonious fisheries relationship and to consult closely in the future with a view to maintaining that relationship.</p> <p>Both parties acknowledged the importance of the general framework of common principles deriving from the 1982 UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and from the Agreement on Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (New York Agreement) and expressed their agreement that regional fisheries management organizations are the appropriate fora to promote conservation and the optimum utilization of the high seas fisheries resources. Both governments agreed on the importance of the role of NAFO in promoting the conservation and optimum utilization of the high seas fisheries resources of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.</p> </body> </html>

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