Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


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<html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="Corel WordPerfect 8"> <title></title> </head> <body text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <p><font size="+1"></font><font size="+1"><strong>September 18, 2004 <em>(10:40 p.m. EDT)</em> No. 108</strong></font></p> <p align="CENTER"><font size="+1"><strong>CANADA WELCOMES SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ON SUDAN</strong></font></p> <p>Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew today issued this statement following the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1564 on Darfur, Sudan:</p> <p>"Canada welcomes this development at the Security Council. Sustained engagement of the international community is crucial to stop the crimes against humanity in Sudan and to disarm the militias.</p> <p>"Today's resolution specifically threatens sanctions against Sudan if violence continues in the western region of Darfur. In this context we are pleased that the resolution states that the Council will also consider measures including sanctions on Sudan's oil industry.</p> <p>"The resolution sends a strong signal that the Government of Sudan must take the demands of the international community much more seriously than it has so far. The resolution makes it clear that the Government of Sudan must not only follow the terms of the resolution, but also cooperate fully with the African Union.</p> <p>"Canada calls on all parties to the conflict to comply immediately with this resolution. We are pleased that the resolution reflects many of the points we have emphasized, both informally on a number of occasions to members of the Security Council, and in our joint letter with Australia and New Zealand to the Council on September 10.</p> <p>"Canada strongly supports the Council's call for an enlarged African Union force in Darfur. Canada also supports the Council's urgent call for an international commission to investigate all aspects of the very grave human rights situation in Darfur, including reports of genocide.</p> <p>"We are also pleased that the resolution includes our recommendation that the UN&nbsp;Secretary-General urgently establish an impartial commission of experts to investigate allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity, in particular the issue of sexual violence, and reports of genocide, with a view to providing the Secretary-General with its conclusions. Canada's Permanent Representative at the UN, Ambassador Allan Rock, continues to raise forcefully the issue of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.</p> <p>"While we are glad the resolution is as strong as it is, and that 11 countries supported it, we would have preferred to see a stronger one. We are troubled that four members of the Security Council were not willing to support the resolution despite sincere efforts to meet their concerns. We hope that after a closer consideration of the deplorable situation in Darfur, they will change their views.</p> <p>"In our letter to the Security Council we asked for benchmarks and a timetable, to allow us to measure the Government of Sudan's progress using objective criteria. We are disappointed that the resolution did not include these benchmarks, but we will continue to press for their broad acceptance.</p> <p>"It is clear that much more needs to be done. This resolution must be combined with increased international pressure, greater international support for the AU and increased humanitarian aid. Canada will certainly do its part in all these respects, and we call on the international community to do the same."</p> <p>Since October 2003, Canada has provided $14.5 million to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the internally displaced population in Darfur and of Sudanese refugees in Chad. This includes funding for food aid, health services, water and sanitation, shelter, and security programs. Canada's overall contribution to humanitarian assistance and drought relief efforts throughout Sudan totals $25 million.</p> <p align="CENTER">- 30 -</p> <p>For further information, media representatives may contact:</p> <p>S&eacute;bastien Th&eacute;berge</p> <p>Director of Communications</p> <p>Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs</p> <p>(613) 995-1851</p> <p>Media Relations Office</p> <p>Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada</p> <p>(613) 995-1874</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </body> </html>

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