The Daily
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Health Indicators

The report Health Indicators, 2007, is the eighth in a series of annual indicators reports highlighting information about the health system and the health of the population in Canada's health regions, provinces and territories.

For the first time in 2007, the Health Indicators print publication includes the analysis and interpretation of a priority topic. This year the focus is on hip fracture hospitalization rates and wait times for hip fracture surgery. This project has been undertaken jointly with the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey numbers, including related surveys, 3207, 3226, 3231, 3233, 3608 and 3701.

This publication is accessible in the What's new in this issue section of the latest volume of the Health Indicators Internet publication, 2007, Vol. 1, no. 1 (82-221-XWE, free) also available today. From the Publications module of our website, choose Free Internet publications, and then Health.

For more information, contact Client Services (613-951-1746;, Health Statistics Division, Statistics Canada, or Christina Lawand (613-694-6805;, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

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