Government of Canada

Awareness of Service Canada - Image Descriptions

Awareness of service Canada

Aware of GoC dept. Responsible for providing services to Canadians?
Yes: 45%
No: 22%
DK/NR: 17%
Probably: 15%

What is the name of that department? (n=1856; asked of those who claimed to be aware)
Service Canada: 8
Health Canada: 5
Social Assistance: 4
Pension Related: 3
1-800 O’Canada: 2
SDC: 2
CRA: 2
Other: 6
DK/NR: 55%


Aware of Service Canada? (n=3860; asked of those who did not identify Service Canada)
Yes, Definitely: 16%
Yes, vaguely: 11%
No: 72%


Total Awareness of Service Canada

Unprompted: Service Canada Clients: 4%
All Canadians: 3%

Prompted: Service Canada Clients: 26%
All Canadians: 16%

Total: Service Canada Clients: 30%
All Canadians: 19%


How Did you First Learn of Service Canada?
(n=1250; asked of those aware of Service Canada)

Media/news report: 23%
50% (internal) Dept./program: 15%
GoC website: 12%
Friends/Family: 8%
GoC office/SC: 6%
1-800 O’Canada: 4%
SC Website: 4%
Through work: 3%
Phone book: 3%
Other: 2%