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Appendix C: Endnotes

  1. To find out more about AMICUS, Library and Archives Canada's bibliographic database, see: Library and Archives Canada. About AMICUS. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  2. Library and Archives Canada. Union Catalogue. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  3. Library of Congress, and National Library of Canada. MARC 21 format for bibliographic data: including guidelines for content designation, 1999 ed. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1999. AMICUS #20772697.  [Back]

  4. Library of Congress. MARC 21 Concise Format for Bibliographic Data. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  5. American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, and Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Anglo-American cataloguing rules, 2nd ed., 2002 revision. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 2002. AMICUS #27446396.  [Back]

  6. American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, and Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Règles de catalogage anglo-américaines, 2e éd., rév. de 1998. Trans. Raymonde Couture-Lafleur. Montréal: Éditions Asted, 2001. AMICUS #25982780.  [Back]

  7. Library of Congress. ALA-LC romanization tables: transliteration schemes for non-Roman scripts. Washington: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 1997. AMICUS #16642600.  [Back]

  8. International Organization for Standardization. Home page. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  9. Library of Congress. Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-readable Cataloguing. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  10. Library of Congress. MARC Code List for Countries. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  11. The 008/23 is "Form of item" for Books, Continuing resources, Music, and Mixed Materials. The 008/29 is "Form of item" for Maps and Visual Materials. The 008 for "Computer Files" does not have a character position reserved for "Form of item".  [Back]

  12. See: Canadian Library Association. CLA/ASTED Interlibrary Loan Code. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1996. AMICUS #26974476.  [Back]

  13. National Library of Canada. Symbols of Canadian Libraries. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1994. AMICUS #19847096. See also: National Library of Canada. Interlibrary Loan Directory on the Web: Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada. Internet on-line. Available at [viewed 25 February 2005].  [Back]

  14. Whiffen, Jean. Guidelines for union catalogues of serials: first draft prepared for the IFLA Section on Serial Publications. Victoria, B.C., 1981. AMICUS #2923279.  [Back]