National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

NRC - Measuring Up!

Equivalency, traceability, accreditation, calibration; these are some of the pillars of the international trade system. In today's global economy, fair and open trade depends on accurate, consistent and easily comparable measurement standards.

National metrology institutes have been founded in countries around the world to ensure the quality and uniformity of measurement, a role played in Canada by the NRC Institute for National Measurement Standards. Such organizations also work with each other to break down the barriers to trade that result from different standards or practices in different countries.

International trade agreements now require all signatories to accept the results of measurement and tests provided by any of the others. NRC-INMS helps facilitate trade in a number of ways. It develops new instruments and measurement methods; maintains physical entities such as transfer standards and certified reference materials; provides specialized measurement services including calibration laboratory assessment; and prepares written procedures, protocols and reports. NRC also provides leadership in promoting international comparisons of physical and chemical standards to establish equivalency between nations. On a yearly basis, NRC-INMS represents Canada on numerous international committees and participates in an equally great number of international comparisons (35 in 2001-02).

As the result of this work, Canada's standards are now recognized by all of our major trading partners, helping remove technical barriers to international trade and increase exports.

Metrology is often considered the silent partner of Canadian innovation. Learn more about the services offered by NRC-INMS by visiting the Web site.

NRC-INMS - NRC has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for the Canadian pulp and paper industry while helping the environment. NRC-INMS's careful international diplomacy and sound science saved the industry from having to use more bleach to satisfy foreign standards.
  NRC-INMS - NRC has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for the Canadian pulp and paper industry while helping the environment. NRC-INMS's careful international diplomacy and sound science saved the industry from having to use more bleach to satisfy foreign standards.
NRC-INMS - NRC has developed a new protocol for the calibration of medical radiation equipment. TG-51 is easier to use and more accurate. 64,000 Canadians every year will benefit from more accurate radiation therapy.
  NRC-INMS - NRC has developed a new protocol for the calibration of medical radiation equipment. TG-51 is easier to use and more accurate. 64,000 Canadians every year will benefit from more accurate radiation therapy.
Did you know that?
  In industrialized countries, measurement and related activities accounts for between 4 to 6% of the Gross National Product, an enormous sum of money and a reflection of the fundamental importance of measurement to almost every field of human activity.  

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Date Modified: 2003-04-11
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