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Interest bearing notes

Issue Date Maturity Date Description Amount
(in $000)
 10-June-05  10-June-11 15,000    12290ZFZ41  CA213
 07-July-05  07-July-10 15,000    12290GA80  CA214
 29-Aug-05  28-May-10 4,750    12290ZGB63  CA215
 07-Sep-05  07-Sep-17 15,000    12290ZGC47  CA216
 21-Sep-05  21-Sep-15 14,000    12290ZGD20  CA217
 15-Mar-06  15-Mar-18  Enhanced Yield Extendible Notes 14,000    12290ZGJ99  CA221
 26-Jul-06  26-Jul-21 300,000    12290ZGM29  CA225
 28-Feb-07  28-Feb-22 300,000    12290ZGW01  CA234
 19-June-07  19-June-09 100,000    12290ZHC38  CA240
 19-June-07  18-June-10 100,000    12290ZHD11  CA241
 2-Aug.-07  2-Aug.-11 100,000    12290ZHF6  CA243

All BDC Notes are in Canadian currency except for those indicated with * which are in U.S. currency.

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Investor Relations information contained on the BDC website is subject to change without notice. All Investor Relations content is for general information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.  Investors are encouraged to consult with their own investment, financial or legal counsel before making any investment.

For more information, please call 1 877 BDC-BANX (232-2269) or email us.

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