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Treasury team

Clément Albert
Vice President & Treasurer
Tel.: (514) 283-7255
Fax: (514) 283-3408
Contact by email

François Laurin
Capital Markets
Tel.: (514) 283-1325
Fax: (514) 283-3408
Contact by email

Claude Forand
Commercial Paper
Tel.: (514) 283-4221
Fax: (514) 496-7804
Contact by email

Louis Laganière
Commercial Paper
Tel.: (514) 283-4221
Fax: (514) 496-7804
Contact by email

Pierre Langis
Middle Office
Tel.: (514) 496-8630
Fax: (514) 496-7804
Contact by email

Thérèse Charette
Back Office
Tel.: (514) 496-7635
Fax: (514) 496-7804
Contact by email

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