Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Information for Newcomers

Coming to Canada is an exciting opportunity but also a great challenge. Find out how to get the help you need and learn all about living in Canada.

Advice for Newcomers
Get advice on topics like health care, housing, work, taxes and how to apply for your Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Programs for Newcomers
Find out about programs to help you settle in Canada.

Finding Help in Your Community
Find information on organizations across the country that help newcomers adapt to life in Canada.

Key Information Sources
A list of key federal and provincial government telephone numbers and websites.

Communities across Canada
Find information on places in Canada where you can settle.

Permanent Resident Card
Permanent residents planning to travel outside Canada should read this important information.

About Being a Permanent Resident of Canada
Benefits of being a permanent resident of Canada.

Community Involvement
Welcoming newcomers—and helping them adjust to life in Canada—is a community effort.

More information
Find information about getting around in your community, Citizenship and Immigration Canada booklets, brochures and more.