Health Canada - Government of Canada
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Health Care System

Healthy Canadians: A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2006

Indicators Reader Feedback Form

The Federal Government invites you to answer a few questions about Healthy Canadians, A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2006. Your answers will provide feedback on the content and usefulness of this report.

Overall Satisfaction with the Federal Report

  1. How did you obtain your copy of Healthy Canadians 2006? (Check one).

It was mailed to me as part of the initial distribution
I obtained my copy at work
I accessed it through the Internet
I ordered my own copy
Other (please specify)

  1. To what extent have you read or browsed through Healthy Canadians 2006?

Have not read or browsed through the document
Have browsed through the entire document
Have browsed through the document and have read specific chapters
Have read the entire document

  1. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of Healthy Canadians 2006?

Too short | About right | Too long

Clarity/readability of technical information
Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor

Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor

Use of graphs and figures
Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor

Quality of results/ comments
Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor

  1. How can future Healthy Canadians reports be improved?

Other data sources could be used
Format could be simplified/more user-friendly
Use of different indicators
Other (please specify)

Usefulness of Healthy Canadians 2006

  1. The Government of Canada is committed to being accountable and reporting to Canadians on the performance of their health care system every two years. Information on comparable health indicators helps federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions and health care providers manage for results and improve health outcomes for citizens. Overall, how successful do you think Healthy Canadians 2006 was in achieving this goal?

Very successful
Fairly successful
Not successful

  1. Have you used, or will you likely use, the information in Healthy Canadians 2006 for any of the following?

Research and/or evaluation
Policy development
Educational activities
Program planning
Public awareness activities
For information only
Will not use
Other (please specify)

  1. How useful did you find each section of Healthy Canadians 2006? (For each section, please check the most appropriate response.)
  Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful
Executive Summary
Overview of the
Federal Government's
Role in Health
Measuring Performance
General Population
Measuring Performance
First Nations and Inuit
Measuring Performance
Military Personnel
Health Information -
Challenges and
next steps
Statement of
Auditor's Report
Annex 1: List of 18
Featured Indicators
Annex 2: List of 70
Annex 3: Data Source
Exclusions and
  1. Do you have other suggestions for future reports of Healthy Canadians, A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators?

Other (please specify)

Reader Information

  1. What is your geographic region (e.g. province, territory)?

Other (please specify)

  1. In which sector do you work?

Other (please specify)

  1. What is your affiliation?

Other (please specify)

  1. What is your position or role within your organization?

Other (please specify)

Date Modified: 2006-10-24 Top