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Bisphenol A = TOXIC

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Canada declares harmful chemical toxic, and bans it from plastic baby bottles.

LEARN MORE about bisphenol A, and how you can avoid it!

Lake Simcoe is under threat from pollution and rampant urban development.

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Sudbury Soil Study Challenged by Nationally Known Pollution Watchdog (2008-10-22)
A report prepared by Environmental Defence says that the Sudbury Soil Study Human Health Risk Assessment Report (HHRA) “cannot demonstrate that there is no harm occurring, it can only estimate level of risk."

Toxic Baby Bottles Banned (2008-10-18)
After years of public protest and mounting scientific evidence, the government of Canada made a precedent-setting announcement by banning a known toxic chemical from baby bottles.

Les biberons toxiques sont interdits (2008-10-18)
Après des années de contestation de la part du public et la présence d’un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques, le gouvernement du Canada a interdit l’utilisation d’un produit chimique toxique connu dans la fabrication des biberons, établissant ainsi un précédent.

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