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Digitization Project

A strategic alliance was formed in September 1993 between the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation and Kodak Canada Inc. Then an imaging services company of Kodak, Kalmara Inc. (now Digital Creations) was assigned to provide and manage the operational resources associated with this alliance. The Imaging Centre established at the Canadian Museum of Civilization has won additional contracts and has attracted international interest.

As of September 2001, after eight years of operation at the Imaging Centre, over 52,000 photographs of artifacts had been created and over 500,000 images had been digitized and transferred onto the Kodak Photo CD format. The CMC offers its imaging services to other museums and other institutions worldwide.

© photo: Jean Chartrand
At the CMC site, Digital Creation's team of professionals in the fields of photography, museology and electronic imaging is co-operating with CMC staff in the ongoing creation of a Photo CD image bank. These digitized images will one day be accessible worldwide via the electronic superhighway. This ambitious venture will provide universal visual access to the Museum's collections: bringing a nation's heritage to its people one precious artifact at a time.

Optimum care is taken to ensure artifact safety. Digital Creation's museum preparators all have prior experience working with CMC collections and staff. Strict quality controls are employed at all stages of production. The transparencies are scrutinized for overall picture quality to ensure that there are no photographic errors, no processing irregularities, and that each image maximizes information and aesthetics. During the scanning process, the highest standards are maintained. All images are examined for density and colour balance, and any corrections are made immediately.

For further information:

Digital Creations (at CMCC)
Rm. 4111c, 100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M8
tel: (819) 776-8519 fax: (819) 776-8514

Digital Creations Head Office:
23 Penfield Drive
Kanata, Ontario
tel: (613) 325-8519 fax: (819) 776-8514

Created: March 9, 1995. Last update: August 28, 2007
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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Government of Canada