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One Hundred Years of Nurses' Caps

Canadian Web Sites

Publications on Nursing in Canada

Publications on Nurses' Uniforms

Resources on the History of Canadian Nursing 
and Nurses' Uniforms

Canadian Web Sites

Canadian Nursing History Collection

BC History of Nursing Group

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing

Margaret M. Allemang Centre for the History of Nursing

Nurses Association of New Brunswick -
Nursing History Resource Centre

The Nursing Sisters of Canada

Publications on Nursing in Canada

Cohen, Yolande et Louise Bienvenue. "Émergence de l'identité professionnelle chez les infirmières québecoises, 1890-1927", Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 11:1 (1994), 119-51.

Desjardins, Edouard, Eileen Flanagan and Suzanne Giroux. Heritage: History of the Nursing Profession in Quebec from the Augustinians and Jeanne Mance to Medicare. Quebec: The Association of Nurses of the Province of Quebec, 1971

Gibbon, John Murray and Mary S. Mathewson. Three Centuries of Canadian Nursing. Toronto: Macmillan, 1947

McPherson, Kathryn. Bedside Matters: The Transformation of Canadian Nursing, 1900-1990. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996

Nicholson, G.W.L. Canada's Nursing Sisters. Toronto: Samuel Stevens Hakkert, 1975

Petitat, André. Les infirmières : de la vocation à la profession. Montréal : Boréal, 1989.

Publications On Nurses' Uniforms

Ewing, Elizabeth. Women in Uniform Through the Centuries. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975.

Kalisch, Philip A. and Beatrice J Kalisch. The Changing Image of the Nurse. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1987

MacFarlane, Ellen M. "Nurses' Caps and Uniforms: In Vogue or Obsolete?" Registered Nurses' Association of Nova Scotia, Nurse to Nurse (July 1990), 39-42

MacFarlane, Ellen M. "The Professional Nurse: With or Without a Uniform" Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration (Sept/Oct 1990), 14-17

Muff, Janet, ed. "Of Images and Ideals: A Look at Socialization and Sexism in Nursing" in A.H. Jones, ed., Images of Nurses (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988), 197-220

Poplin, Irene Schuessler. "Nursing Uniforms: Romantic Idea, Functional Attire, or Instrument of Social Change?" Nursing History Review, 2 (1994), 153-167

Steele, Valerie. "Men and Women in White" in Claudia Brush Kidwell and Valerie Steele, eds., Men and Women: Dressing the Part (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989), 73-77

Szasz, Shermalayne Southard. "The Tyranny of Uniforms" in Janet Muff, ed., Socialization, Sexism and Stereotyping: Women's Issues in Nursing (St. Louis: C.V, Mosby, 1982), 397-401

Why a Cap? A short history of nursing caps from some schools organized prior to 1891. J.B Lippincott, 1940


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Created: September 27, 2001. Last update: June 16, 2004
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