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Division of Community Health and Humanities 

The Division of Community Health & Humanities in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland aims to improve the health of the community through education, research and service that is focused on the prevention of disease and the protection and promotion of health. We invite you to browse through our site to learn more about who we are, the programs we offer, and the services we provide.
News & Events
Graduate Seminar Series
(MSc: MED6400-03; PhD: MED6410-13)
Winter 2008 Schedule

No presentations scheduled at this time.

Visiting Speakers Series
2007-2008 Schedule

No presentations scheduled at this time.

Nigel Rusted Lecture in Medical Humanities

Title:  Arts for Health: A Presentation and Workshop
Speakers: Dr. Peter Jordon & Dr. Abdul Bulbulia
Moderator: Dr. J.T.H. Connor
Date: Wednesday, April 30
Time: 2:00 - 4:00
Place: HSC, Lecture Theatre A
Sponsored in part by the Ireland Newfoundland Partnership Program

Information for Graduate Students
  • Fall 2008 course offerings
  • 2008-09 Graduate Student Handbook
Job Advertisements

new Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Public Health

Call for Papers

No call for papers at this time.

New Reports

new - Annual Report 2006-2007



Faculty of Medicine logoCopyright © 2008 Faculty of Medicine,
Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
"Building a Healthy Tomorrow"™

Last Updated: 4/16/08