
Special needs

Special stops near Summit
In order to keep the Saguenay train (Montréal-Jonquière) on schedule, we will be making only one special stop in the vicinity of the Summit Club and Summit. If you wish to make a special stop in this area, please ask to be dropped off at Mile 106.6.

Special stops

Special stops let you get off and get on the train exactly where you want, even in places where there is no scheduled stop! The ideal solution for outdoor activities - at that little lake deep in the forest, or that wild river you've been dreaming of for so long!

To use this service, you must purchase your ticket at least 48 hours in advance and tell us the exact spot where you want the train to stop by specifying the exact mile marker at which you would like the train to stop.

Need help calculating the mileage?

You can refer to VIA's downloadable route guides for a detailed map of your selected train route, including mile markers.

Special stops can be requested on these trains only:

Note that we may refuse a request for a special stop if we consider that it will delay the train too much.

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Bikes and canoes
On many of our trains, we can carry your canoe or bike.

    10 cool travel ideas!
We asked young people to tell us their best journeys in Canada. Here are their suggestions.

    Climate and weather
Before you set off to explore an unknown region, here's a good tip: visit our section on climate and weather in Canada's different regions!