
Children (aged 2 to 11)

Children travelling alone

The conditions that apply to children travelling alone vary according to the child's age :

Tickets for children travelling alone cannot be purchased through the web site. To make arrangements for children travelling alone, please inquire at a VIA Rail station ticket counter or contact an agent by phone at 1 888 VIA-RAIL (1 888 842-7245).

Seven and under

A child aged under seven cannot travel alone on a VIA train. He or she must be accompanied by a parent or an adult aged 18 or over.

Eight to 11

As a general rule, children aged between 8 and 11, if not accompanied by their mother or father or an ADULT (at least 18 years old), may travel under certain conditions and if the parent or legal guardian completes and signs a waiver of liability form (VIA form 59-09-8). The form can be obtained from the ticket office at VIA train stations. More than one copy can be given to parents using this service regularly, so that they may complete them in advance. They must still, however, have the form signed and validated by an agent at the departure station.
A $15 service charge applies (each way). The fee applies per family. If more than one child per family travel together, the service charge is assessed only once. Each minor must have an application form and a bracelet.

Other conditions :

  • The child can travel only in Comfort or VIA 1 classes ; AND
  • Travel only on direct trains (no connections or transfers) ; AND
  • The child must not leave before 06:00; AND trains must arrive before midnight on the same day.
  • An unaccompanied child cannot entrain at an unstaffed station ;
  • they can however detrain at a unstaffed station (providing a parent or designated adult is there to receive them).
  • Children with life-threatening food allergies, such as an allergy to peanuts or peanuts products, cannot take advantage of this service.
  • To ensure their safety, we limit the number of children travelling alone to six per train. We therefore recommend that you make arrangements as early as possible in order to secure your child's seat aboard.

Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians :

Parents/guardians must be the child's mother, father or an ADULT (at least 18 years of age).

When bringing the child to a station, or meeting him/her at destination, they will go :

  • To the information counter in Toronto ;
  • To wicket #1 in Montréal ;
  • To any ticket counter at other stations.

They must show a photo ID (such as driver's licence, government health card, etc.) ; both when bringing the child to the train and when receiving him/her at destination. (Reason : this is a legal requirement. A court judgement may have prohibited these persons from contacting the child.)

They must carefully read the declaration and agree to comply with the instructions and sign the form.

They will take the minor to the Service Manager on the platform during pre-boarding (30 minutes before departure), and remain in station until the train departs.

Victoria - Courtenay
Since there is no VIA personnel on-board ( the conductors are from Rail America ), unaccompanied minors under 12 years old cannot travel on the Victoria-Courtenay line.


I attest that this child :

  • does not have any life-threatening food allergy, such as an allergy to peanuts or peanut products ;
  • is capable of traveling alone, has been informed of the schedule, and will be met at the destination ;
  • will carry all travel documents required by applicable laws, and has been instructed to cooperate with and follow the instructions of VIA personnel.
  • will by greeted by a designated person at the destination station who will be on time and have appropriate PHOTO ID : passport, driver's license, government health card, etc.

Bring the child to the departure station at least 45 minutes prior to departure and report to the appropriate place (information counter, ticket office, or a VIA agent - check with the station beforehand). VIA will provide the same care and will assume the same responsibility for the child as is normally provided to an adult passenger. Do not leave the departure station until the train has left. The child must have sufficient funds for meals and incidental expenses.

NOTE : If the arrival station is an unmanned station and the person designated on the form is not there to meet the child when the train arrives, VIA Rail will take the child to the next station where there are VIA personnel on duty. VIA personnel will then contact the designated person and ask them to greet the child within a reasonable time. If the child is not greeted within this time, or if VIA is not able to contact either the designated person or the person who signed the form, the child will be handed over to local police.

If unforeseen circumstances (ex., weather, delays or cancellation) affects the train arrival, VIA Rail will inform the person designated to meet the child. If VIA is unable to contact this person, VIA Rail will contact the person who brought the child to the departure station. In all cases the child will remain in the custody of a VIA Rail representative.

Please take notice that the child will be accompanied by the Service Manager to the arrival station after all passengers have detrained. Please expect a certain delay.

Thank you for your understanding.

Twelve and over

Children aged 12 and over may travel unaccompanied on VIA trains.

Find out more about discounts available to seniors, youth 18-25, students 18+, students 12-17, and children 2-11.

All fares are in Canadian dollars and do not include taxes. Prices are subject to change without notice. Applicable discounts, terms, conditions and schedules are also subject to change without prior notice. The final cost of tickets, departure and arrival times will be confirmed at the time of booking.

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