Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
 FrançaisPrime Minister Stephen Harper
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Prime Minister Stephen Harper dedicates memorial to victims of Air India flight 182

23 June 2007

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today dedicated a memorial to mark the third annual National Day to Remember Victims of Terror.

“Flight 182 may have flown under the flag of India, but the murder of its passengers was a singularly Canadian crime and tragedy,” said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Harper made his remarks at Humber Bay Park, where he dedicated Canada’s first permanent memorial to the Air India and Narita Airport victims. The memorial, which includes the names of those who lost their lives, features a sun dial and masonry wall. The wall incorporates stones donated by provincial and international organizations, and represents all the provinces and territories, as well as India, Ireland, Japan, and the United States.

During the course of his remarks, the Prime Minister spoke of the need for all Canadians, regardless of their backgrounds, to come together for the sake of the country and its future.

“Canada’s future is only as strong as our commitment to Canada,” said Prime Minister Harper.  “As Canadians, therefore, we must put aside the differences that darken our past and work together to build the stronger, safer, better country that will serve as our legacy for generations to come.”

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