Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
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Prime Minister Harper announces Navy ship upgrades

New equipment for the Navy and new business for Canadian contractors

5 July 2007
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced new upgrades to the Navy’s Halifax-Class frigates that will improve the Navy’s ability to protect Canadian waters while boosting employment in Canada’s shipbuilding sector.

“New updated equipment will make these ships stronger, safer and better able to do all the work we ask of them,” said Prime Minister Harper.  “The result is that more than ever, our Halifax-Class frigates will be giant floating command posts – standing up for Canada at home and abroad.”

During the last 15 years, these frigates have been to the four corners of the world, performing every conceivable mission – from battling international terrorism and fulfilling international security agreements to providing aid to civilians in distress and assisting in search and recovery. The fleet’s most important job – maintaining the safety and security of sovereign Canadian waters – sees the frigates routinely patrol Canada’s three coastlines, protecting our borders from drug and human smugglers, terrorists, illegal fishing and polluters.

“One of the most important upgrades to our frigates will be enhanced command and control centres, giving Canadian vessels the ability to lead operations, not just participate in them,” the Prime Minister added. “All of the work done on the ships will be done in Canada, by Canadian companies, and this is great news for Canadian shipyards, their employees and their suppliers.”

The $3.1 billion modernization of the Halifax-Class frigates will begin in 2010, with the final ship being completed in 2017.

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