Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
 FrançaisPrime Minister Stephen Harper
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Prime Minister Stephen Harper kicks off Calgary Stampede

6 July 2007
Calgary, Alberta

Prime Minister Stephen Harper celebrated the opening of the Calgary Stampede today at the annual parade breakfast in downtown Calgary.

“For the next ten days, Calgary will open its arms to the world and stage the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” said the Prime Minister.  “The Stampede is special in that it honours our frontier past, while embracing the energy that is fuelling our city’s rise as an international player.”

Established in 1912, the Calgary Stampede has become an enduring icon of western heritage and Canadian talent. From July 6 – 15, 2007, the Stampede is expected to attract over 1.2 million visitors, making it one of Canada’s great summer events.

The kick-off to this year’s Stampede featured a campaign to raise breast cancer awareness and recognize the thousands of volunteers who are involved in breast cancer fundraising efforts. Organizers of “30 Hours of Tough” challenged stampede visitors to wear pink as an expression of support for the cause.

“I commend the stampede organizers who have made a commitment to raising awareness of breast cancer across Canada,” said Prime Minister Harper.

“Congratulations to the organizers and volunteers who have contributed to the success of the Calgary Stampede. Your efforts have made this a truly community celebration, one that makes all Canadians proud.”

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