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CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa / Centre de la Technologie de l'Energie de CANMET - Ottawa

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upcoming events

Energy 2007 - Conference for Industry
Nov 27-28
Chateau Laurier
Ottawa, Ontario
<click here>

GLOBE 2008
March 12 - 14
Vancouber Convention & Exnibition Centre
<click here>


clean energy portal
Visit Canada's Clean Energy Portal for access to our burgeoning environmental energy sector and up-to-date details on climate change initiatives.

The Canadian Biomass Innovation Network (CBIN)


The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) is Canada's leading federal government S&T organization with a mandate to develop and demonstrate energy efficient, alternative and renewable energy technologies and processes. CETC has facilities in Devon, Alberta; Varennes, Quebec; and Ottawa, Ontario.

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$3 million for community groups pursuing renewable energy in Ontario
The Community Power Fund has launched today a new $3 million fund to support community-owned renewable energy projects in Ontario. This fund is the first of its kind in Canada.
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SDTC Portfolio Reaches $1 Billion in Cleantech Funding - Toronto, October 25, 2007 – Canada’s clean tech economy reached a major milestone today with Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) announcing that its SD Tech FundTM investment portfolio has surpassed $1 billion.
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Technology Roadmaps:

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Find Federal and Provincial Incentive Programs

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Technologies to License

Avro Diesel™: Clean Diesel Fuel from Conversion of Waste Fats and Restaurant Residues
The CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)'s AVRO Diesel™ Process converts waste grease to high Cetane diesel fuel with improved cold flow properties. <find out more>

Find out more about our Licensing Technologies



clean energy technologies

cetc ottawa
side gold box CETC-O is a key research arm of Natural Resources Canada and is one of Canada's premier organizations in the field of energy, science and technology.
CETC-O works with private and public sector partners to develop and deploy leading-edge energy products. The result of these technologies is reduction of environmental impacts, increased productivity and generated economic growth in Canada.
CETC-O offers world-class laboratory facilities and an accomplished energetic workforce. (more...)
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Get map directions to our facility. (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

Featured Headlines

Minister Lunn Plants Commemorative Centennial Tree at CETC-Ottawa - Ottawa, ONT – October 17th - In honor of the 100 years of excellence in Energy and Minerals Science and Technology, Minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn planted a commemorative tree at the CANMET Energy Technology Centre’s (CETC-Ottawa) laboratory in Bells Corners.
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Websites of Interest

Home Power - renewable energy and sustainable living solutions

The Renewable Planet - this free and accessible resource highlights the number and variety of renewable energy projects from around the world.

Science and Technology Publications

Federal Government Budget 2006

Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan

Canada Business - Your guides to Services for Business


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 Last updated: 2007-11-13