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CANMET Energy Technology Center - Ottawa / Center de la Technologie de l'Energie de CANMET - Ottawa


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First International Conference and Workshop on Micro-Cogeneration Technologies and Applications
April 29 - May 1, 2008

Conference Objectives

The First International Conference and Workshop on Micro-Cogeneration Technologies and Applications “Micro-Cogen 2008” will be held in Ottawa Canada from April 29 - May 1, 2008. It is a forum for presenting the latest research, development and demonstration results in a broad range of small cogeneration technologies including technical and policy analyses, deployment strategies, comparative analysis, and studies on sustainability and societal and environmental impacts. The conference will also act as a close-out of Annex 42 of the International Energy Agency's Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme aimed to develop, validate, and implement models of variety of cogeneration devices for whole-building simulation programs.

The workshop will bring together researchers, manufacturers, electric and gas utilities, policy makers, regulators, and builders to discuss the current state of microgeneration technologies, future development trends, barriers and opportunities for collaboration for speedy deployment. International experts will share their vision, extensive experience and knowledge gained through modelling, lab and field trials and will discuss the applications of a variety of microgeneration technologies in the residential/ commercial energy sector world wide.



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Last Updated: 2007-09-20