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Novel Process for the Production of Ultra Low Sulphur Fuels

Research scientists at Natural Resources Canada (Ottawa, ON), Drs. Stanciulescu, M. and Ikura, M as of January 6, 2004 have been issued a United States Patent 6,673,236 Stanciulescu, et al. January 6, 2004 entitled: "Method for the Production of Hydrocarbon Fuels with Ultra-low Sulphur Content".


The present invention provides a method for producing hydrocarbon fuels with ultra-low levels of sulfur. The method involves catalytic oxidation of the sulfurous compounds within the hydrocarbon fuel, followed by extraction of the oxidized (and polarized) sulfurous compounds using a polar solvent. The present invention teaches the involvement of ethanol during catalytic oxidation. In this way, the oxidation catalyst has a dual-role in the oxidation process: firstly the catalyst directly oxidizes the sulfurous compounds, and secondly the oxidation catalyst converts of a small portion of the alcohol to the corresponding peroxy acid, which also helps to drive the oxidation process.

This catalytic sulphur removal process operates at low temperature. i.e. less than 100°C and ambient pressure.

"In the most recent experiements we were able to reduce sulphur in a diesel fuel from 420 parts per million (ppm) to less than 30 ppm in a single step," states Dr. Ikura.

Middle distillates containing various levels of "difficult-to-remove-sulphur" were successfully treated to produce clean stable hydrocarbon oils with 15 to 600 parts per million (ppm) sulphur. Multiple batch tests have been completed and repeatedly confirmed that ninety per cent (90%) plus sulphur reduction is possible in a single stage.

"We are now looking for private interests to partner with in order to further improve and scale-up the process to continuous operation at the pilot-scale level." says their Senior Principal Business Officer.

CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa, a key science and technology arm of Natural Resources Canada collaborates with industry to jointly develop and deploy energy technologies with marked economic and environmental impact into the Canadian energy and R&D sectors.


Technical Information:
Dr. Michio Ikura, Principal Investigator
Telephone: (613) 996-0505
Facsimile: (613) 943-8882

For Business Issues:
Please see below.

Viewing patent in its entirety here.

For information on licensing and research opportunities, contact:

Roy Prokopuk
Senior Business Development, Marketing & Communications Officer
CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa
Natural Resources Canada
1 Haanel Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1M1
Tel: (613) 996-8693
Fax: (613) 943-0127


devon ottawa varennes
gold line
Last Updated: 2006-01-20