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Flexible security

BDC's policy is to ask for reasonable security and to avoid the use of personal assets, thus keeping your financing options open. BDC's approach has a number of advantages:
  • More financing. At BDC, the amount of financing is not predetermined by the security you can provide. Instead, BDC first studies the viability of your project, and thus can generally provide more financing for the same amount of security.
  • Maximize your borrowing potential. When personal guarantees are necessary, rest assured that your non-commercial assets are not taken as collateral. This can also facilitate an injection of capital into your company if needed.
  • Complementary funds. BDC's flexible approach to security may provide complementary funds for long-term support to your growing business.
  • High-growth solutions. BDC specializes in high-growth, knowledge-based industries and exporters. Often, these companies have excellent potential but few tangible assets to offer as guarantee. BDC has tailor-made solutions, including subordinate financing and venture capital.

What counts as security?
BDC typically asks for security on your fixed assets such as land, buildings, equipment or vehicles, and in some cases may ask for one or more of the following:
  • Current assets (receivables, inventory)
  • Intangible assets (patents, trademarks)
  • A promissory note
  • A loan agreement
  • An assignment or postponement of shareholders' loans
  • Obligations from related companies or individuals
  • Personal or corporate guarantees.

Why choose BDC:
A solid partnership
Long-term commitment
Tailor-made solutions

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BDC Advantages
  Tailor-made solutions
  Flexible security
  Long-term commitment
  A solid partnership
Business Tools
  Business plan template
  Ratio calculators
  E-Business diagnostic
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