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Publications: Research Update

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This quarterly publication profiles current research on physical activity from the Alberta Centre for Active Living and current research from other health promotion organizations, i.e.,

  • Dietitians of Canada;
  • Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit at the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina;
  • Alberta Cancer Board.

If you would like to receive an e-mail notice when the next issue is posted on our web site, please e-mail us at reprint any of the articles listed below, please contact the centre’s Communications and Marketing Coordinator at

Other issues are available - select a year:

December 2006
Vol. 13
No. 4

Complete Issue [pdf, 255KB]

  1. Walking 10,000 Steps/Day: Are There Benefits?
  2. The Role of Food Supplements in Preventing Chronic Disease

September 2006
Vol. 13
No. 3

Complete Issue [pdf, 252KB]

  1. A Strategy for Increasing Physical Activity in Sedentary Populations
  2. Importance of Screening Pregnant Women for Depression

June 2006
Vol. 13
No. 2

Complete Issue [pdf, 266KB]

  1. Dog Ownership and Regular Walking
  2. Decisions, Decisions...Fries with or without Gravy, a Muffin or an Apple? Brown Bag Lunch or Buy?

March 2006
Vol. 13
No. 1

Complete Issue [pdf, 305KB]

  1. Promoting Physical Activity for Post-Natal Mothers: The Role of Self-Regulatory Efficacy
  2. Understanding the Early Years Study: Policy and Program Improvements for Children