Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Annual Report of Canada Pension Plan 2003-2004

Fiscal Year 2003-2004

Catalogue number ISPB 202-06-06E

Printable version in PDF format (963kB, 46 pages). To download and print PDF files, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader  World Wide Web site available from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Publication of the 2003-2004 Annual Report of the Canada Pension Plan was delayed due to a number of organizational and governmental changes.

As of February 2006, the legal names of the minister and department responsible for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) are the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development respectively. Operationally, the Department is known as Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC).

The names of the departments previously responsible for the CPP, namely Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and/or Social Development Canada (SDC), are used in this report in a historical context only.

Produced by the the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, in collaboration with: the Department of Finance, the Canada Revenue Agency, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

If you need additional copies of this report, it is available for printing at

Or you may contact:

Ottawa ON
K1A 0L1
Fax: (613) 948-9450

Aussi disponible en français sous le titre

Rapport annuel du Régime de pensions du Canada 2003-2004.

To give feedback on the Annual Report, see our form online at under “Publications”.

For more detailed information about subjects covered in this report, or about the Canada Pension Plan in general, please visit

If you have questions, please call

(free of charge from Canada and the U.S.):

1 800 277-9914 (English)
1 800 277-9915
1 800 255-4786

Link to annual report letter

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