Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Sustainable Development Strategy
Progress Report: 2003

Table of Contents


Progress Toward Achievement of Goals

SDS Accomplishments in 2003, by Goal

SDS Accomplishments 2001–2003, by Planned Objective


In Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC) second three-year plan for its Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) covering the period 2001 to 2003, we note:

“Sustainable development and its applications within the CIC mandate is an evolving process. The Department needs to improve its understanding of sustainable development and the linkages between sustainable development and CIC policies and programs. To that end, CIC has undertaken the challenge of balancing environmental considerations against our broader social and economic goals.” [note 1]

This continues to apply today and is reflected in the four key goals of our SDS:

  • to minimize the negative environmental impacts of departmental operations;
  • to promote awareness of sustainable development principles and objectives among departmental staff, clients and stakeholders;
  • to better integrate environmental considerations into departmental policy development and decision-making processes; and
  • to promote accountability and ensure compliance.

The yearly progress reports enable the Department to outline its progress toward meeting our SDS commitments.

The current report, the third progress report on the second three-year plan, summarizes the results achieved from January 1 to December 31, 2003, and presents an overview of the entire strategy, including planned follow-up action for 2004. The target dates for which activities were to be completed, as well as their status on December 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003, are also provided.

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Progress Toward Achievement of Goals

CIC made progress toward achieving the objectives established under the four goals of the SDS in the period under review. Of the 35 actions planned for the period, all except three have been completed. Much progress has been achieved on these three, however, and work will continue on them as described in CIC’s third three-year plan tabled in the House of Commons on February 16, 2004. [note 2] The figures below indicate the status of our SDS commitments for 2003, as well as for the entire three-year period of the strategy.

Figure 1: Status of 2003 SDS Commitments

Figure 1: Status of 2003 SDS Commitments

Figure 2: Status of 2001–2003 SDS Commitments

Figure 2: Status of 2001·2003 SDS Commitments

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SDS Accomplishments in 2003, by Goal

Goal 1: To minimize the negative environmental impacts of departmental operations.

  • Implemented indicators on the environmental impacts of departmental operations.
  • Developed and delivered awareness sessions on fleet, procurement and facilities management.
  • Implemented national standards for purchasing and maintaining vehicles and tracking vehicle data.
  • Reviewed current levels of consumption of paper and office equipment at national headquarters and evaluated feasibility of reducing consumption within the regions.
  • Identified facilities where space optimization and retrofit were appropriate.

Goal 2: To promote awareness of sustainable development principles and objectives among departmental staff, clients and stakeholders.

  • Increased departmental awareness activities.
  • Updated CIC’s Internet and intranet sites to include more recent and relevant information on sustainable development for newcomers and staff.
  • Prepared communications material promoting sustainable development as a citizenship value.

Goal 3: To better integrate environmental considerations into departmental policy development and decision-making processes.

  • Provided policy and program staff and decision makers with more information on the social, economic and environmental impacts of CIC’s policies and programs.
  • Prepared strategic environmental assessments for three memorandums to Cabinet and a Treasury Board submission.

Goal 4: To promote accountability and ensure compliance.

  • Continued the activities of the Coordinating Committee on Sustainable Development (CCSD), an intradepartmental working group established to assess the progress achieved on sustainable development objectives. The CCSD also continues to guide and coordinate the implementation of sustainable development initiatives within the Department.
  • Continued to develop performance measurement capacity within CIC.

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SDS Accomplishments 2001–2003,
by Planned Objective

Goal 1: To minimize the negative environmental impacts of departmental operations.
Planned Objectives Planned Actions Results Achieved in 2003 Follow-up Action
(if required)
Target Date and Status
1. Communicate to our overseas personnel the Department’s support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade’s (DFAIT) measures to “green” facilities abroad, including responding to requests for statistics for baseline measures on energy consumption and procurement practices. 1a) Ensure that the DFAIT mission checklist is available to responsibility centre (RC) managers. The DFAIT mission checklist has been made available to all RC managers. N/A Target: 2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2. Develop a set of indicators in areas of common interest with other government departments. 2a) Participate in the interdepartmental Performance Measurement for Sustainable Government Operations (PMSGO) Working Group. The PMSGO Working Group completed its mandate in January 2002 and has consequently been disbanded. N/A Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2b) Review the draft indicators. The draft indicators were reviewed and accepted by the PMSGO Working Group in 2001. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2c) Use indicators to measure performance. CIC has incorporated and uses the performance measures established by the lead departments. N/A Target: 2003

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3. Ongoing promotion of the benefits of greening fleet, procurement and facilities management. 3a) Distribute policies and information to those responsible for sustainability in fleet, procurement and facilities management. Fleet: CIC developed its own version of fleet policies, which include vehicle class recommendations for specific functions.

Accommodation: A final version of the National Accommodation Guidelines will be issued in March 2004.

Procurement: CIC has requested that PWGSC incorporate the appropriate greening clauses into relevant contracts processed by PWGSC.
The National Accommodation Guidelines will be issued in 2004. Target: 2001

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Mostly Completed
3b) Establish a baseline measure that identifies the number of employees who would benefit from awareness sessions in greening fleet, procurement and facilities management. A new section on the CIC sustainable development Web site incorporates links and pages on greening of the fleet and procurement. The information is current and updates from various sources will continue to be posted and publicized through messages to all staff.

A workshop on greening the departmental fleet, tailored to fleet managers, took place in 2003.
N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3c) Develop awareness sessions on fleet, procurement and facilities management. Fleet: CIC held a national conference for staff with administrative responsibilities. The conference provided a forum for information sharing on greening of the fleet procurement in general and specific recycling programs across Canada. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3d) Begin the sessions. A session on greening of the fleet took place at the Fleet National Committee meeting in February 2003. N/A Target: 2002

Status 2001: No Progress

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Completed
4. Identify and ensure the availability of relevant material on greening initiatives, policies and achievements. 4a) Create an environmental management system resource centre. CIC Explore, the Department’s intranet site, was updated to provide more information on sustainable development, including information on fleet, procurement, facilities and waste management. Additional information on Environment Week was also added to the site. N/A Target: 2002–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
5. Maximize opportunities to oversee the sustainability of the Department’s fleet of vehicles, develop national standards, and introduce a standard approach to maintaining and tracking vehicle utilization data. 5a) Re-establish the Fleet National Committee. The Fleet National Committee was re-established and a workshop was held with full discussions on SDS commitments, TB requirements on greening of fleet and the role of PWGSC on greening of fleet. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Partially Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
5b) Implement national standards for purchasing and maintaining vehicles and tracking vehicle data. CIC has introduced forms and logs for reporting accidents, purchases and disposals of vehicles. Considerations for alternative fuel have been included where feasible. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed

5c) Identify reporting requirements and the subsequent development of a new vehicle logging method, including:

  • number of vehicles;
  • number of kilometers travelled each year;
  • number of vehicles in the vehicle management system with reported fuel consumption;
  • number of vehicles with complete vehicle utilization records;
The Department has now implemented a structure for reports, including a driver’s log, a monthly repair report and a quarterly report. N/A Target: 2001–2002

Status 2001: Partially Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
  • regional reporting of monthly odometer readings within the framework of the new vehicle management system.
Same as 5c above. N/A Target: 2002–2003

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Completed
6. Finalize with lead departments and disseminate the Guide on Green Procurement Resources for purchasing agents to RC managers. 6a) Work with lead departments to identify green products. CIC continues to follow the strategy of lead departments who have decided to promote the use of green products as identified by private firms. Additionally, at national headquarters, a list of green products available at the departmental store (Jean Edmonds Towers) is provided on the SDS Web site. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
6b) Distribute guidelines to all RC managers. CIC continues to promote green procurement practices throughout the Department. N/A Target: 2002–2003

Status 2001: No Progress

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed

7. Develop and implement a resource depletion reduction strategy.

7a) Review current levels of resource consumption in paper and office equipment at NHQ and evaluate feasibility of reducing consumption in regions. According to the waste audit performed by the Jean Edmonds property management, CIC recycles at a rate of 66%, whereas the potential for recycling is 67%.

NHQ spent about $45,000 less in paper in 2003 compared to 2002. As a result, a 2% decrease in paper waste was achieved.
N/A Target: 2001–2002

Status 2001: Partially Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
7b) Establish baseline measures by identifying current paper procurement practices. Paper procurement across CIC ensures that all paper has a minimum of 30% recycled content. A recycling report will be created for use in the regions. Target: 2001

Status 2001: No Progress

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
8. Maximize ongoing opportunities for space optimization and retrofit programs with facility custodians. 8a) Identify facilities where space optimization and retrofits would be appropriate. The design team at NHQ uses green materials wherever possible. For example, construction materials are reused, low VOC paint is specified, andredundant systems furniture items are stored in the basement and reused when possible. The team is currently testing a new carpet tile partly made from recycled glass and installed with green glue that has the endorsement of the Canadian Lung Association, and a new wall system that can be completely dismantled and reused in another application. N/A Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: No Progress

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed


Goal II: To promote awareness of sustainable development principles and objectives among departmental staff, clients and stakeholders.
Planned Objectives Planned Actions Results Achieved in 2003 Follow-up Action
(If Required)
Target Date and Status
1. Develop a communications strategy to raise staff awareness of sustainable development issues. 1a) Increase departmental awareness activities.

CIC used activities such as the second Waste Management Audit, Environment Week, Visa Plus [note 3] and its intranet site to disseminate information material to departmental employees.

Additionally, some branches raised the awareness of staff by holding special events, such as:

  • Brainstorming sessions at branch and division leveld on ways to be more environmentally aware in the office;
  • A dish drive to encourage staff to use re-usable dishes, cutlery and glasses rather than disposables for staff functions;
  • Preparation of a proposal for starting a worm-composting project to use organic waste in a more environmentally friendly manner; [note 4]
  • Posting SD awareness messages on the kitchen bulletin boards; and
  • A no-waste lunch for the DG’s 25th Anniversary in the Public Service. [note 5]
N/A Target: 2003

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
1b) Prepare and disseminate electronic communications material to departmental employees. CIC used activities such as the second Waste Management Audit, Environment Week and an edition of Visa Plus [note 6] to raise awareness and disseminate information material to departmental employees. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
1c) Maintain and update CIC Internet and intranet sites. Both the CIC Internet and intranet sites have dedicated sustainable development Web pages with relevant information for newcomers to Canada, Canadians and departmental staff. As indicated above, the material on the CIC intranet site has been redesigned to make it more user friendly and to provide information specific to particular users (e.g., green procurement section). N/A Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
1d) Raise awareness of sustainable development during Environment Week activities and award presentations. CIC sent messages on SD to all NHQ staff and hosted activities for Environment Week 2003. Additionally, several organizations (Trees Canada Foundation; Peregrine Foundation; Arbour Environmental Shoppe; and NRCan’s Office of Energy Efficiency) provided lunchtime information sessions that were well attended. CIC Administration and Security Branch also conducted information sessions on greening our fleet and procurement. N/A Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2. Provide meaningful access to information on sustainable development. 2a) Include a section on sustainable development in A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada, a publication distributed abroad to visa-ready immigrants. The publication has already been updated to reflect the environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development. N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2b) Provide regional offices, missions abroad and service provider organizations with information on sustainable development for display and use at newcomer orientation sessions.

The Integration-Net [note 7] Web site was reviewed to ensure that electronic links and information on sustainable development were available and accessible to settlement community workers.

The intranet Web site provides easy links to three sites containing information on sustainable development and environmental issues. These sites are:

  • Going to Canada; [note 8]
  • CIC Explore; and
  • “Canada.”
N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3. Promote sustainable development as a value of Canadian citizenship. 3a) Prepare communications material promoting sustainable development as a citizenship value. A consultant has prepared a component on sustainable development to be included in speech modules delivered by citizenship judges at citizenship ceremonies. This item was translated and sent out in March 2004, in order to be included in speech modules delivered by citizenship judges at citizenship ceremonies. Target: 2001

Status 2001: Partially Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3b) During Citizenship Week, distribute communications material to newcomers on their responsibility to contribute to the social, economic and environmental well-being of Canada. In 2003, a Citizenship Week activity guide for schools entitled “Planting the Seeds” was developed. The guide is written on a cultivating theme and addresses the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and the shared values of peace, belonging and environmental stewardship.

In 2003, the guide entitled “Cultivating Peace” continued to be distributed in high schools. The activities focus on conflict resolution and peace building, but also include themes that address environmental issues with respect to global trade, environmental security, environmental accords and environmental rights.
N/A Target: 2001

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed


Goal III: To better integrate environmental considerations into departmental policy development and decision-making processes.
Planned Objectives Planned Actions Results Achieved in 2003 Follow-up Action
(if required)
Target Date and Status
1. Enhance CIC’s knowledge base by improving the Department’s research and analytical capacity. 1a) Acquire research and information on the impacts of CIC programs such as the Global Case Management System, the Government On-Line initiative, the Data Warehouse, the Performance Measurement Strategy and the Metropolis Project. CIC completed two studies in 2003: a literature review entitled Sustainable Development for Immigration Policy Makers and a report entitled Immigrant Orientation toward Sustainable Development: Evidence from the Canadian World Values Survey 1999–2000. Both reports will be posted on the Internet for broad dissemination by the spring of 2004. Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
1b) Participate in research networks and working groups to acquire information on and determine approaches to sustainable development, and to contribute a citizenship and immigration perspective to horizontal policy issues.

In 2003, CIC participated in the following initiatives:

Interdepartmental Network on Sustainable Development Strategies and its various working groups:

  • Interdepartmental Working Group on Promoting Sustainable Communities;
  • Policy Research Initiative’s Sustainable Development Network;
  • National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy;
  • Policy Research Data Gaps Initiative; and
  • Canadian Information System for the Environment.
CIC will continue to participate in these forums, as well as any relevant new ones established in the future. Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
1c) Ensure that policy and program staff and decision makers have access to information on the social, economic and environmental impacts of CIC policies and programs. Same as 1a above. Same as 1a above.

CIC will continue to explore the social, economic and environmental impacts of CIC’s policies and programs.
Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Little Progress

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2. Integrate an environmental component within our planning, policy and implementation processes. 2a) Participate in interdepartmental networks through such activities as the Policy Research Initiative and related consultations to determine options for integrating an environmental component within departmental policies and programs. Same as 1b above. Same as 1b above. Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2b) Ensure that sustainable development is taken into account in levels planning consultations with provincial and territorial governments and stakeholders. The social, economic and environmental impacts of immigration were given consideration during the 2003 levels planning.

In the future, CIC will seek to increase its knowledge of the environmental impacts of immigration and to integrate this information into the levels planning process.

Information was gathered on the environmental impacts of immigration. Although there are no sufficient data available to quantify specific impacts on the environment caused by the practices of new permanent residents, CIC identified likely trends and developed strategies to mitigate negative impacts.
Continue to work with provincial and territorial partners to apply socio-cultural strategies designed to address the impacts of concentration in Canada’s three largest cities, specifically regionalization strategies to enhance equitable distribution of immigration across the country.

Promote understanding among provincial and territorial partners of emerging research results to facilitate the development of additional strategies.
Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Partially Completed

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Mostly Completed
3. Incorporate strategic environmental assessments (SEA) within the Memorandum to Cabinet process. 3a) Prepare memorandums to Cabinet that incorporate SEA principles where appropriate. Completed five SEAs. In the future, CIC will report on the number of documents for which an SEA was required and prepared. Target: 2001

Status 2001: No Progress

Status 2002: Partially Completed

Status 2003: Mostly Completed


Goal IV: To promote accountability and ensure compliance.
Planned Objectives Planned Actions Results Achieved in 2003 Follow-up Action
(if required)
Target Date and Status
1. Assess the impact of CIC programs and identify, where possible, the interactions with the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. 1a) Ensure that all evaluation frameworks take into account, where applicable, the implications of CIC policies and programs on sustainable development. Sustainable development was not applicable to any of the evaluation projects undertaken in 2003. As stated in objective 4.1.1 of the 2004–2007 Sustainable Development Strategy, all evaluation frameworks will have to take into account, where applicable, the implications of CIC policies and programs on sustainable development. Target: 2001

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
2. Create an intradepartmental working group to assess progress on attaining sustainable development objectives. 2a) Conduct annual assessment of sustainable development initiatives to facilitate reporting in the Departmental Performance Report and the Report on Plans and Priorities. The CCSD met quarterly to coordinate the implementation of and reporting on CIC’s second SDS. The CCSD will continue to coordinate the implementation of and reporting on CIC’s third SDS. Target: 2001–2003

Status 2001: Completed

Status 2002: Completed

Status 2003: Completed
3. Develop, implement and continually refine performance measures to assess departmental policies and programs. 3a) Prepare and disseminate a framework for performance measurement. In 2003, CIC trained over 160 people across the Department on performance measurement principles and methods.

A how-to guide was drafted and tested with the performance measurement workshop participants.

A performance management action plan was developed and steps were taken to integrate performance measurement into the evaluation function within the framework of results-based management initiatives. Some steps were also taken to link performance measurement to cost management initiatives in order to improve the integration of financial and non-financial information, and to integrate the business and resource planning processes.
CIC will continue to provide advanced training to branches and regions.

The final version of the how-to guide is available and will be used in advanced training sessions.

CIC will await TBS’s permission and new guidelines prior to renewing the Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (PRAS) for the Department.
Target: 2003

Status 2001: Mostly Completed

Status 2002: Mostly Completed

Status 2003: Completed

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[1] Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Sustainable Development Strategy: December 2000, p. 20.

[2] Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s third SDS, Sustainable Development Strategy III: January 1, 2004–March 31, 2007, is available on-line at

[3] Visa Plus is a special edition of Visa, the departmental news bulletin for CIC staff.

[4] While this is done in some federal government departments, the project did not advance at CIC because of concerns raised by the landlords of the NHQ buildings.

[5] All the materials used for the lunch were either recyclable or re-usable.

[6] Visa Plus is a special edition of Visa, the departmental news bulletin for CIC staff.

[7] Integration-Net was created by CIC as a communications and research tool to support the work of the Canadian settlement community.

[8] Available at


Produced by the Strategic Policy and Partnerships Branch
in consultation with the
Coordinating Committee on Sustainable Development

For additional copies, please contact

Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1
Fax: (613) 954-2221

Également disponible en français sous le titre Rapport d’étape sur la Stratégie de développement durable : 2003.

© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2004
Cat. no. Ci51-120/2003-1E-HTML
ISBN 0-662-36973-4