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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Producer cars

The CWB is offering administration services to farmers who wish to use producer cars to get their wheat and barley into export position. This service is offered to farmers in order to enhance access to producer cars.

Several grain companies presently offer producer car administration services. However, in light of consolidation in the grain industry and reduced elevator delivery points, some farmers are looking for other options. This, combined with a renewed interest in producer cars, has led the CWB to introduce this initiative.

Producer car documents and information are provided in the table on the right.

The first is a set of instructions for farmers wishing to have the administration of their producer cars performed by the CWB. It provides a step-by-step guide for ordering and loading producer cars as well as some important information on administration fees. Please read these instructions first, especially if you have never loaded producer cars before.

The second is the producer car application form that must be completed to order a producer car.

The third document is the declaration of variety. Producers will be required to declare that the variety is eligible for the class of wheat they are shipping. Producer car shippers need only declare once each crop year; if they are using multiple administrators they will have to sign a declaration for each administrator.

The fourth document is the Bill of lading/settlement form. This form is to be completed upon loading of the producer car and immediately forwarded to both the railway and the CWB.

If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat software needed in order to open a PDF file, it can be downloaded for free by going to the Adobe Web site.

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