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Photo of people skating outside Part two: Be active for your mind and body
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4. Tips to start making physical activity part of your everyday life

"When people think of physical activity, the word physical comes to mind first... but there is a mind-body connection and the mental benefits are just as important as the physical benefits."
(Kaliopi Nakitas, personal trainer)

Here are nine tips to help you build confidence in your ability to be successful in the long term:

  1. List why you want to be active and what you will gain - refer to this list often

  2. Set specific goals you can achieve

  3. Keep a log or diary to chart your progress and reward your accomplishments

  4. Find an exercise buddy to talk to and give you a nudge when you are dragging your feet

  5. Schedule a regular time and place - it is too easy to say you'll do it later

  6. Expect occasional setbacks, and get back on track as soon as you can

  7. Sample different activities to find something you enjoy

  8. Try an exercise that connects the mind and body like yoga or tai chi

  9. When you are feeling upset or low in energy, take a walk to boost your mood

?Staying active in winter...

Look for ways to be active. Taking the stairs, parking at the far end of the parking lot and walking to the corner store are small steps that add up. It will take a little effort in the beginning, but once you get in the habit of adding activity to your day, you won't even know you are doing it.

Resolve to be active for your mind and body

When you make physical activity part of your day, especially in winter, you will have more energy, sleep better, feel calmer and cope better with the stresses and demands of your life. Taking control of your physical health will give you a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of confidence in handling other aspects of your life.

The new year is a good time to think about doing things differently. Take Kaliopi's advice: "Keep moving, keep doing it and you'll feel better for it."

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  Date published: January 15, 2006
  CreditThis article is the result of collaboration between the Alberta Centre for Active Living and the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Active Living and Mental Health affiliates of the Canadian Health Network.

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