
Annual Report 2003

  Annual Report 2003

Download VIA Rail's 2003 Annual Report

These documents are in PDF format. You must have the most recent version of the Acrobat Reader software (version 5) installed on your computer.

Adobe Reader

Annual Report - Section 1~ 408 Kb
Annual Report - Management Discussion and Analysis ~ 90 Kb
Annual Report - Financial Statements~ 113 Kb
Annual Report - Corporate Directory~ 39 Kb

You can also download each section separately:

Corporate overview~ 46 Kb
The Year at a Glance~ 41 Kb
Message from the Board of Directors~ 109 Kb
Message from Management~ 73 Kb
The Year in Review~ 112 Kb
Strategic Objectives~ 27 Kb
Growth~ 102 Kb
Service~ 124 Kb
Health, Safety and Security~ 74 Kb
Environment~ 77 Kb
People~ 67 Kb
Entrepreneurship~ 76 Kb
Corporate Governance~ 100 Kb
Management Discussion and Analysis~ 90 Kb
Financial Statements~ 113 Kb
Corporate Directory

~ 39 Kb

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