Course assignments

Education faculties

  • Joint Health and Mathematics Education Assignment
    Using health-related data on E-STAT, pre-service teachers develop a presentation as a joint assignment for health education and mathematics education courses. This assignment helps develop critical thinking skills and improved understanding of important health issues concerning youth aged 11-15 years. (Nipissing University)

  • Environmental Science Case Study
    Teacher candidates develop a case study which introduces an environmental issue and applies relevant data from the Statistics Canada web site or Human Activity and the Environment for an intermediate / senior environmental science class. (OISE/University of Toronto)

  • Integrating Databases in the Education Curriculum
    Teacher candidates use electronic resources such as E-STAT to develop teaching activities for upper high school history and social science courses. (University of Ottawa)

  • Technology Integration in the Curriculum
    Alberta Education's new program of studies entitled "Learner Outcomes in Information and Communication Technology ESC-12 Framework" describes how students from K-12 should use technology. This course has been specifically designed to help educators (in-service and pre-service) understand the role technology can play in the classroom and to develop some of the skills needed to integrate technology into classroom activities. (University of Alberta)

  • Using Canadian Data in Curriculum Courses
    This assignment, designed for a social studies curriculum course, requires teacher candidates to develop a teaching activity for a grade 9 social studies class using E-STAT. (Brandon University)

  • Investigating One's Practicum Community 
    Education students use the census database on E-STAT and the Statistical Profile of Canadian Communities to familiarize themselves with the demographic make-up of the community where they spend their practicum. A series of sequenced lessons using E-STAT are provided to research the make-up of a community for a "Schooling and Society" course. (Laurentian University)

  • Group E-STAT Assignment - Getting Ethnicity & Race, Social Class and Gender Data for Local School Communities
    As a group, education students identify relevant demographic issues and then use the census database on E-STAT to extract related data for a number of different school communities in which they are practice teaching. Students submit the raw data as well as graphs, maps and tables, along with a short paper describing similarities and differences among the selected communities. (Laurentian University)


  • Canada through the Census
    This second year geography assignment uses census data to explore the historic and contemporary differences between provinces in two regions of Canada. (University of British Columbia)

  • Geography of Global Economic Systems
    Students in a second year economic geography course use E-STAT to generate graphs used in a short essay on the impact of agricultural chemicals. (University of Ottawa)

  • Introductory Human Geography Assignment
    This second year human geography assignment uses the STC website and E-STAT to calculate the Human development index and build population pyramids for selected areas in Canada. (University of Winnipeg)

  • Economic Geography
    This lab teaches how to use the CANSIM and Census databases on E-STAT for economic analysis through guided activities and content questions. (Camosun College)
  • Regional Geography of Canada
    This assignment is designed to familiarize students with ways of describing and making comparisons among the regions of Canada using readily available statistics from E-STAT. Students construct population pyramids for two regions of Canada and then interpret the meaning and implications of these pyramids. (Brandon University)

  • Census Assignment – Geography 450 (PDF document)
    In this 4th year geography assignment, students write a major paper based on their in-depth data analysis of the Vancouver housing market using census data from E-STAT. (University of British Columbia)


  • Urban Economics
    This third year urban economics assignment uses census of population data from E-STAT to compare two communities and prepare a term paper. (Brock University)

  • Econometrics
    These assignments from an introductory econometrics course use detailed economic data from E-STAT to apply the economic concepts of 2-variable regression (PDF) and autocorrelation (PDF). (Dalhousie University)


  • Using Early Censuses for Canadian Social History Courses
    This assignment is designed to introduce students to what early Canadian censuses (on E-STAT) can tell us about Canadian social and intellectual life. (Acadia University)

  • Reference material – Le Bilan du Siècle – (available in French only) This is a collection of historical data (from CANSIM and elsewhere), images, and other materials for Quebec and Canada for the 20th century. (Université de Sherbrooke)

Social sciences


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