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Transport Canada
Policy Overview
Transportation in Canada Annual Reports

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Transportation and the Economy
3. Government Spending on Transportation
4. Transportation Safety and Security
5. Transportation and the Environment
6. Rail Transportation
7. Road Transportation
8. Marine Transportation
9. Air Transportation
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2. Transportation and the Economy

A2-1: Modal Shares in Canada-United States Trade, 1996 – 2006
A2-2: Canada/ Other Countries Trade, by Mode and Sector, 1996 – 2006
A2-3: Canada-United States Trade by Province, 2005 – 2006
A2-4: Canada's Road Trade with the United States, by Busiest Border Crossing Points, 2006
A2-5: Canada-United States Trade, by Main Trade Flows, 2005 – 2006
A2-6: Canada's Exports by Origin, Destination, and Mode of Transport, 2006
A2-7: Canada's Imports by Origin, Destination, and Mode of Transport, 2006
A2-8: Canada's Exports by Main Countries, 2005 – 2006
A2-9: Canada's Imports by Main Countries, 2005 – 2006
A2-10: Canada's Merchandise Trade - Top 25 Partners, 2006
A2-11: Share of Canada's Total Exports Through Pacific Gateway, 2006
A2-12: Tourism Demand in Canada, 2002 – 2006
A2-13: Canadian Travel Account and Passenger Fares, 2002 – 2006
A2-14A: Domestic Travel in Canada, 2000 – 2004
A2-14B: Domestic Travel in Canada, 2005
A2-15: Domestic Travel by Mode of Transport and by Purpose, 2004
A2-16: International Travel Summary, 2002 – 2006
A2-17: Visitors to Canada from Countries other than the United States, 2002 – 2006
A2-18: Overnight Visits to the United States by Canadians, by Selected States, 2004 and 2005
A2-19: Same Day Visits to the United States by Canadians, by Selected States, 2004 and 2005
A2-20: Overnight Visits by Canadians to Selected Countries other than the United States, 2004 and 2005
A2-21: Canada/United States Travel by Purpose of Travel, 2004 and 2005
A2-22: Overseas Travel by Purpose of Travel, 2004 and 2005
A2-23: Employment in the Transport Sector, 2000 – 2006
A2-24: Employment in the Rail Industry, 2000 – 2005
A2-25: Average Annual Compensation in the Rail Industry, 2000 – 2005
A2-26: Total Employment in the Trucking Industry, 2000 – 2005
A2-27: Employment in the Trucking Industry By Region, 2000 – 2005
A2-28: Average Weekly Earnings in the Trucking Industry, 2000 – 2006
A2-29: Employment in Taxi and Limousine Services by Province, 2000 – 2006
A2-30: Employment in the Bus Industry, 2000 – 2005
A2-31: Urban Transit Employment by Region, 2000 – 2005
A2-32: Average Annual Compensation in the Bus Industry, 2000 – 2005
A2-33: Employment by Canadian Port Authorities, 2000 – 2006
A2-34: Average Annual Employment in the Marine Transport Industry, 1999 – 2006
A2-35: Regional Distribution of Employment by Ferry Operators, 2000 – 2005
A2-36: Employment by Category, St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, 2000 – 2006
A2-37: Employment by Canadian Pilotage Authorities, 2000 – 2006
A2-38: Employment by Maritime Employers Associations, 2000 – 2006
A2-39: Annual Labour Costs Per Employee, Canadian-Based Marine Carriers, 1996 – 2001
A2-40: Employment in the Air Industry, 2000 – 2006
A2-41: Employment - NAS Airports, 2000 – 2006
A2-42: Employment Related to Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services, 2000 – 2006
A2-43: Annual Labour Costs Per Employee of Canadian Air Carriers, 2000 – 2005
A2-44: Other Direct Transport-Related Employment, 2000 – 2006
A2-45: Transportation-Related Employment in Federal Departments and Agencies, 2000/01 – 2006/07
A2-46: Average Weekly Earnings in the Transportation and Warehousing Sector by Mode, 2000 – 2006
A2-47: Average Weekly Earnings in the Transportation and Warehousing Sector by Region, 2000 – 2006
A2-48: Labour Action by Mode of Transport, 2000 – 2006
A2-49: Total Energy Use in the Canadian Economy by Sector, 1993 – 2005

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A2-50: Transportation Energy Consumption by Type and Mode, 1993 – 2005
A2-51: Transportation Energy Use by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-52: Road Energy Consumption by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-53: Aviation Energy Consumption by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-54: Pipeline Energy Consumption by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-55: Marine Energy Consumption by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-56: Rail Energy Consumption by Province, 1993 – 2005
A2-57: Crude Oil Prices – Canadian and US$ Per Barrel, 1991 – 2006
A2-58: Retail Price of Regular Unleaded Gasoline – Selected Cities, 1997 – 2006
A2-59: Retail Price of Road Diesel – Selected Cities, 1997 – 2006
A2-60: Components of the Retail Price of Road Fuels – 2006 National Averages
A2-61: Price of Other Transportation Fuels
A2-62: Price and Output Indicators, Transport Industries, 2001 – 2005
A2-63: Efficiency Indicators, Transport Industries, 2001 – 2005
A2-64: Cost Structure of Transport Industries, 2002 – 2005
A2-65: Financial Performance of Transportation Industries, 2002 – 2005
A2-66: Personal Expenditures on Transportation, 2006

3. Government Spending on Transportation

A3-1: Gross and Net Expenditures on Transportation by Governments, 1997/98 – 2006/07
A3-2: Operating, Maintenance and Capital Expenditures by the Federal Government, 1997/98 – 2006/07
A3-3: Direct Federal Subsidies, Grants and Contributions by Mode, 1997/98 – 2006/07
A3-4: Government Revenues from Transport Users, 1997/98 – 2006/07
A3-5: Transport Expenditure & Revenues by Mode and Levels of Government, 1997/98 – 2006/07
A3-6: Distribution of Provincial and Local Transport Expenditures by Province, 1996/97 – 2005/06
A3-7: Detailed Provincial/Territorial and Local Transport Expenditures by Mode by Province/Territory, 1996/97 – 2005/06

4. Transportation Safety and Security

A4-1: Summary of Transportation Safety Statistics for Aviation, Marine, Rail, Road and TDG, 1996 – 2006
A4-2: Railways Under Federal Jurisdiction, 2001 – 2006
A4-3: Railways Under Federal Jurisdiction, Accidents by Province, 2001 – 2006
A4-4: Railways Under Federal Jurisdiction, Crossing and Trespasser Accidents, 2001 – 2006
A4-5: Road Casualty Collisions, Fatalities and Injuries, with Rates (per 10,000 MVR and Billion Vehicle Kilometres), 1986 – 2005
A4-6: Road Casualty Rates (Fatalities and Injuries per Billion Vehicle Kilometres) by Province/Territory, 2004 and 2005
A4-7: Motor Vehicle Occupant Fatalities and Seat Belt Wearing Rates, 1988 – 2005
A4-8: Percentage of Fatally Injured Drivers Tested and Found to Have Been Drinking (BAC > 0 Mg%) and the Number of Persons Charged with Impaired Driving Offences, 1987 – 2005
A4-9A: Commercial and Other Vehicles Involved in Fatal Collisions by Vehicle Type, 2001 – 2005
A4-9B: Fatalities Resulting from Commercial and Other Vehicles Involved in Fatal Collisions by Vehicle Type, 2001 – 2005
A4-10: Fatalities by Road User Class, 2001 – 2005
A4-11: Vehicles Involved in Fatal Collisions by Vehicle Type, 2001 – 2005
A4-12: Marine Occurrences, 2001 – 2006
A4-13: Marine Occurrences by Region, 2001 – 2006
A4-14: Small Canadian Vessels Engaged in Commercial Activity Marine Occurrences, 2001 – 2006
A4-15: Small Canadian Vessels Engaged in Fishing Activity Marine Occurrences, 1996 – 2006
A4-16: Aviation Occurrences and Casualties Involving Aircraft Operating Under CARs, 2001 – 2006
A4-17: Summary of Aviation Occurrences Reported to the Transportation Safety Board, 2001 – 2005
A4-18: Canadian-Registered Aircraft Accident Rates for Aircraft Operating Under CARS, 2001 – 2006
A4-19: Accidents Involving Aircraft Operating Under CARS by Province, 2001 – 2006
A4-20A: Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods by Mode and Phase of Transport, 2001 – 2006
A4-20B: Total Deaths and Injuries for Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods, 2001 – 2006
A4-20C: Number of Deaths and Injuries Attributed to the Dangerous Goods, 2001 – 2006

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6. Rail Transportation

A6-1: Railway Rationalization by Province, 1990 – 2006
A6-2: Railway Rationalization by Province, 2006
A6-3: Railway Revenues 1995 – 2005
A6-4: Railway Employment, 1995 – 2005
A6-5: Fuel Consumption, 1995 – 2005
A6-6: Revenue Tonne-Kilometres by Railway Sector, 1995 – 2005
A6-7: Traffic Received and Forwarded by Canadian-Based Class II Carriers, 1996 – 2005
A6-8: Volume of Tonnage Carried by Railway Sector, 1995 – 2005
A6-9: Annual Railway Carloadings by Commodity, 1997 – 2006
A6-10: Volume of Rail Exports and Imports by Commodity, 1997 – 2006
A6-11: Value of Rail Exports and Imports by Commodity, 1997 – 2006
A6-12: Volume of Rail Exports by Province of Origin, 1997 – 2006
A6-13: Value of Rail Exports by Province of Origin, 1997 – 2006
A6-14: Volume of Rail Imports by Province of Clearance, 1997 – 2006
A6-15: Value of Rail Imports by Province of Clearance, 1997 – 2006
A6-16: Volume of Major Commodities Exported by Top 3 Provinces of Origin, 1997 – 2006
A6-17: Volume of Major Commodities Imported by Top 3 Provinces of Clearance, 1997 – 2006
A6-18: Value of Major Commodities Exported by Top 3 Provinces of Origin, 1997 – 2006
A6-19: Value of Major Commodities Imported by Top 3 Provinces of Clearance, 1997 – 2006
A6-20: Volume of Rail Exports by Port Cleared, 1997 – 2006
A6-21: Value of Rail Exports by Port Cleared, 1997 – 2006
A6-22: Volume of Rail Imports by Port Cleared, 1997 – 2006
A6-23: Value of Rail Imports by Port Cleared, 1997 – 2006
A6-24: Volume of Rail Marine Exports and Imports, 1997 – 2005
A6-25: Volume of Marine Exports by Place of Origin, 1997 – 2005
A6-26: Volume of Rail Marine Exports by Commodity, 1997 – 2005
A6-27: Volume of Rail Marine Imports by Destination, 1997 – 2005
A6-28: Volume of Rail Marine Imports by Commodity, 1997 – 2005
A6-29: Passenger and Passenger-Kms for VIA Rail And Class II Carriers, 1996 – 2005
A6-30: Commuter Rail Passengers in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, 1994 – 2005

7. Road Transportation

A7-1: Annual Trucking Bankruptcies by Region, 1990 – 2006
A7-2: Distribution of Total For-Hire Trucking Revenues by Size of Carrier, 1991 – 2005
A7-3: Distribution of Total For-Hire Trucking Carriers, by Size, 1991 – 2005
A7-4: Total Revenues by Urban Transit Operators, 1995 – 2005
A7-5: Long-Term Trends in Urban Transit - Passengers Carried & Vehicle-Kilometres, 1981 – 2005
A7-6: Urban Transit Fleet Composition, 1995 – 2005
A7-7: Intercity and Urban Transit Passengers Carried in the Bus Industry, 1985 – 2005
A7-8: Value of Goods in Domestic Trade by Sector, 1997 - 2005
A7-9: Value of Goods in Domestic Trade by Province and Sector, 2003
A7-10: Value of Goods in Domestic Trade by Commodity Groups and Sector, 2003
A7-11: Interprovincial Trade (Goods) by Major Flows, 2003
A7-12: Canada's International Trade by Trucks, by Commodity Groups, 2005 – 2006
A7-13: Twenty Largest Border Crossings for Trucks, 2002 – 2006
A7-14: Twenty Largest Border Crossings for Cars/Other Vehicles, 2002 – 2006

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8. Marine Transportation

A8-1: Number of Port Sites Under the Control and Administration of Transport Canada by Province, 1996 – 2006
A8-2: Divestiture Status of Transport Canada Regional/Local and Remote Ports
A8-3: Canada Port Authorities Financial Profiles, 2005
A8-4: CPA Financial Comparison, 2003 and 2004
A8-5: Financial Results of Major Ports, 2001 – 2005
A8-6: Financial Results for Transport Canada Ports, 1999/2000 – 2005/2006
A8-7: Total Tonnage Handled in Canada’s Port System, 2004 – 2005
A8-8: Total Pilotage Assignments and Assignments Per Pilot, 1998 – 2006
A8-9: St. Lawrence Seaway Cargo Movements, 1990 – 2006
A8-10: St. Lawrence Seaway Traffic by Commodity, 1993 – 2006
A8-11: Overview of Major Ferry Services
A8-12: International Cruise Ship Traffic at Major Canadian Ports, 1993 – 2006
A8-13: Canada's Marine Traffic Statistics by Sector, 1987 – 2005
A8-14: Share of Tonnage Carried by Foreign-Flag Ships in the Canadian Coasting Trade, 1988 – 2005
A8-15: Conference/Non-Conference Shares of Canadian Liner Trade, 1995 - 2004
A8-16: Canada's Maritime Trade with the United States, 1986 – 2005
A8-17: Canada's Overseas Maritime Trade, 1986 – 2005
A8-18: Total Marine Imports/Exports by Commodies, 2005

9. Air Transportation

A9-1: Airport Authorities Financial Performance, 2005
A9-2: Airport Capital Assistance Program Expenditures by Province, 1995/96 to 2006/07
A9-3: Airports Capital Assistance Program - Projects Approved in 2006
A9-4: Airport Improvement Fees at National Airport System (NAS) Airports, 2006
A9-5: Foreign Airlines Providing International Scheduled Services to and from Canada as of December 31, 2006
A9-6: Local Service Airlines Providing Scheduled Air Services as of December 31, 2006
A9-7: Licence Authorities Held by Air Carriers as of December 31, 2005 vs 2006
A9-8: Summary of Personnel Licences and Permits as of December 2006
A9-9: Personnel Licences and Permits by Province, as of December 31, 2006
A9-10: Profile of the Recreational Aviation Fleet as of December 31, 2005 and 2006
A9-11: Volume of Goods Carried by Canadian Air Carriers by Sector, 1993 – 2005
A9-12: Operating Goods Revenues of Canadian Air Carriers by Sector, 1993 – 2005
A9-13: Value of International Goods Shipped by Air, 1996 – 2006
A9-14: Air Exports and Imports by World Region, 2005 and 2006
A9-15: Canada's Air Merchandise Trade - Top 25 Partners, 2006
A9-16: Main Commodity Groups Shipped by Air in Canada's International Trade, 2005 and 2006
A9-17: Enplaned/Deplaned Revenue Passengers, 2005
A9-18: Changes to Domestic Scheduled Air Services in 2006
A9-19: Changes to Transborder Scheduled Air Services in 2006
A9-20: Changes to International Scheduled Air Services in 2006
A9-21: Average Scheduled Daily Seat-Kilometres by Region, Domestic Sector December 2005 and 2006
A9-22: Average Scheduled Daily Seat-Kilometres by Region, Domestic Sector December 2005 and 2006
A9-23: Competition in Domestic Air Markets as of December 31, 2006


6. Rail Transportation

A6-1: CN and CPR Intermodal Traffic, 1996 – 2005
A6-2: Origin and Destination of CN and CPR North American Intermodal Traffic, 1996 – 2005
A6-3: Segment Share of Rail Intermodal Traffic, 1996 – 2005
A6-4: CN and CPR Container-On-Flat-Car and Trailer-On-Flat-Car Growth, 1996 – 2005

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