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Consulting Services in Statistical and Survey Methods

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Statistics Canada offers consultation services in statistical and survey methods and statistical training directly to external clients, primarily federal, provincial and territorial departments, public institutions and international organizations. These services may be provided through established contacts between the individual client and Statistics Canada, by one of the Regional Reference Centres, or through the Statistical Consultation Group (SCG). The SCG was set up to provide statistical methodology services directly to external clients requiring professional statistical expertise with faster turnaround times.
The SCG offers a comprehensive range of statistical project planning, development, implementation, management and analytical services. The service may be advisory, or it may involve carrying out specific or all components of a project or survey.
In the case of surveys, the SCG offers data collection services for smaller, regional or local surveys such as employee opinion surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, program evaluation and internal audit undertakings, or surveys for regulatory purposes. In addition, the SCG develops and applies statistical methods to evaluate the effectiveness of administrative and non-statistical systems and operations, or to provide statistical advice on any other issue or undertaking.
The SCG also develops and delivers courses and workshops that provide quality training on current statistical issues and application of basic statistical methods. Courses and workshops offered in Canada and outside the country ensure fundamental training to participants in many fields, including survey design and development, questionnaire design, sampling, data analysis and the interpretation and presentation of data.

Product:Consulting Services in Statistical and Survey Methods
Catalogue no.:10C0013
Availability date:April 1, 2005
Price note :

Price will vary depending upon client requirements.

Minimum charge $40.00.


Statistical methods


Time series, Simulations, Survey design, Quality assurance, Data analysis, Collection and questionnaires, Weighting and estimation, Inference and foundations, Statistical techniques, Editing and imputation


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