National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection



A new direction in the art of film animation--using a computer to assist the animator. In this film it was the computer of the National Research Council of Canada that performed most of the work of animation, registering the hundreds of movements to produce a fluid, evolving effect. Without the computer, each movement or impression would have had to be painstakingly arranged by hand. The theme of the film is our universal desire to escape the demands of life. Film without words; titles in French.

1971, 08 min 30 s

Peter Foldès
Pierre Moretti
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Aussi disponible en anglais

Prix et mentions

  • Diplôme décerné par le Conseil international des Associations de design graphique

    Festival international du film de court métrage
    Du 24 au 29 avril 1972, Oberhausen - Allemagne

National Film Board of Canada Production
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