National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

The Masculine Mystique


What do "real men" think about feminism? Can they ever learn to adjust to life with a modern woman? The stories of four men and their relationships with women are interwoven to produce this unusual and intriguing feature-length dramatization. Blue, in his mid-thirties, has spent his adult years searching for the right woman, without any luck. He's baffled by women's liberation--what do they want? Alex, the same age as Blue, married with two small children, says he needs his freedom. He's having an affair. Mort and Ashley are both in their forties, divorced with children. Mort has found someone new but she balks at a permanent relationship. Ashley, devastated by his divorce, is unwilling to risk a new commitment. Their four stories, sometimes poignant, often very funny, are shown in dramatic sequences interspersed with scenes of confrontation. Among themselves the men probe why they act as they do. They attack and defend, and perhaps even learn a little about themselves and the changing role of men in today's society.

1984, 86 min 40 s

John N. Smith
Giles Walker
John N. Smith
Giles Walker
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Prix et mentions

  • Prix Red Ribbon - catégorie: Films de long métrage / Préoccupations contemporaines

    Itinérant - American Film and Video Festival
    Du 27 mai au 1 juin 1985, New York - États-Unis

National Film Board of Canada Production
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