National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Feeling Yes, Feeling No: The Family Program


Feeling Yes, Feeling No: The Adult Film and its guide provide information on the nature and scope of child sexual assault, how to recognize an abused child, and how to assist the victim. They also show the purpose and content of the children's films, as well as providing parents and professionals with the resources for reinforcing the skills the children will learn from the program. (27:17) Feeling Yes, Feeling No: Part 1: Part 1 teaches children the basic skills that build self-worth, self-confidence, and good judgment. "Yes feelings" are introduced as those you have when you are touched in a way you like; "No feelings" are those experienced when you are touched in a way you don't like. (14:06) Feeling Yes, Feeling No: Part 2: Part 2 reinforces the children's understanding of yes and no feelings, provides them with a simple, non-threatening definition of sexual assault, and introduces them to skills that will aid them in assessing situations involving strangers. (13:43) Feeling Yes, Feeling No: Part 3: Part 3 introduces the issue of sexual assault by a trusted adult. The children are taught to use the skills and vocabulary learned from parts 1 and 2 in responding to common family-assault situations and to find an adult who will help them. (15:40)

1985, 78 min 37 s

Moira Simpson
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Aussi disponible en anglais

Comprend les titres suivants

Prix et mentions

  • Prix du Jury décerné pour la meilleur qualité pédagogique

    Festival du film d'éducation pour la santé
    21 avril 1989, Mauriac - France

National Film Board of Canada Production
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