National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Place of the Boss: Utshimassits


In the mid-1960s, the Mushuau Innu, one of the last hunter-gatherer peoples of North America, were forced to abandon their 6,000-year nomadic life style and settle in the village of Davis Inlet on the coast of Northern Labrador--a place the Innu named Utshimassits (ooh-she-mah-seet), or the Place of the Boss. Their relocation resulted in physical dislocation and cultural collapse. In February, 1992, six children died in a house fire in the settlement. The national media seized upon the story as a stark example of the pain and despair associated with the loss of traditional culture. For the people themselves, the tragedy was the starting point in a process of reflection and change. This behind-the-headlines look at the recovery weaves a profound sense of place through the use of archival footage of the breathtaking Labrador landscape juxtaposed against haunting present-day images of the dilapidated conditiong of Davis Inlet. First-person testimony from elders, band leaders and youth allows the voices of the community to express their own rarely heard point of view. The result is a documentary that delves beyond the national headlines of substance abuse, suicide and rural slum conditions to provide a profile of a people confronting the tragedy of their current circumstance by summoning the traditions, memories and culture of their proud past.

1996, 48 min 46 s

John Walker
John Walker
Mike Mahoney
Peter d'Entremont
Maison de production
Triad Film Productions Limited
John Walker Productions Ltd.
National Film Board of Canada

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Prix et mentions

  • Prix Donald Brittain pour le meilleur documentaire

    Gemini Awards
    Du 28 février au 2 mars 1997, Toronto - Canada
  • Prix Rex Tasker - catégorie: Meilleur documentaire de l'Atlantique - assorti d'une bourse de 1,500$

    Festival du Film de l'Atlantique
    Du 20 au 28 septembre 1996, Halifax - Canada
  • Gerbe d'Or - catégorie: Meilleur documentaire de plus de 30 minutes

    Golden Sheaf Awards / Festival du court métrage et de la vidéo
    Du 30 mai au 2 juin 1996, Yorkton - Canada
  • Gerbe d'Or - catégorie: Meilleur film du festival

    Golden Sheaf Awards / Festival du court métrage et de la vidéo
    Du 30 mai au 2 juin 1996, Yorkton - Canada
  • Gerbe d'Or - catégorie: Meilleure musique originale

    Golden Sheaf Awards / Festival du court métrage et de la vidéo
    Du 30 mai au 2 juin 1996, Yorkton - Canada

National Film Board of Canada Production
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