National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

A Hunting Lesson


An animated film by Jacques Drouin based on a book by novelist Jacques Godbout, adapted by Sheila Fischman. Capturing all the twists and turns of this dramatic tale, the acclaimed pinscreen master brings to life the wild savannahs of Africa and the colours and textures of a Canadian autumn in hunting season.

Antoine is fascinated with his neighbour, a mysterious character who lives a solitary life in a big house at the edge of the forest. Although he now spends his days writing at his computer, it is said that the man was once an adventurer who travelled the world in search of big game. Antoine longs to discover his secrets. When he finally gets into the house, he comes upon a room full of hunting trophies. Awed by all these exotic animals, the young boy wants to become a great hunter too. He convinces his new friend to teach him to hunt. But the lesson Antoine learns from the wise old man is not at all what he had expected. What Antoine learns is a reverence for life.

2001, 13 min 04 s

Jacques Drouin
Thérèse Descary
Jean-Jacques Leduc
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Aussi disponible en anglais

Prix et mentions

  • Certificat d'Excellence - catégorie: court métrage d'animation remis par le Jury enfants

    Festival international du film pour enfants
    Du 24 octobre au 3 novembre 2002, Chicago - États-Unis
  • Prix spécial du Jury - production film et vidéo - catégorie: Arts / Culturelle

    WorldFest - Festival international du film
    Du 5 au 14 avril 2002, Houston - États-Unis
  • Prix du Jury

    Expo of Short Film and Video
    Du 6 au 9 décembre 2001, New York - États-Unis
  • Mention d'honneur - catégorie: Enfants et jeunes

    Festival international du film et de la vidéo
    Du 23 au 26 octobre 2001, Columbus - États-Unis

National Film Board of Canada Production
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