National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Special Delivery


The first big mistake Ralph makes is not clearing the snow from the front walk, and his life goes downhill from that point on. By the end of the story, the mailman has fatally slipped on his job, Alice, his wife, doesn't live there anymore, and Ralph resolves to stop worrying--about the body, his wife, and the front walk.

1978, 07 min 07 s

Derek Lamb
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada


John Weldon
John Weldon
Eunice Macaulay
Eunice Macaulay
Derek Lamb
Animation camera
Raymond Dumas
Simon Leblanc
Sandy Sanderson
Karl Duplessis

Prix et mentions

  • Diplôme de mérite

    International Film Festival
    Du 1 au 18 juin 1979, Melbourne - Australie
  • Prix Blue Ribbon - catégorie: humour et satire

    Itinérant - American Film and Video Festival
    Du 28 mai au 2 juin 1979, New York - États-Unis
  • Oscar - catégorie: films de court métrage - animation

    Annual Academy Awards / OSCARS
    9 avril 1979, Hollywood - États-Unis
  • Premier Prix - catégorie B - films de plus de 3 minutes

    Festival mondial du film d'animation
    Du 19 au 24 juin 1978, Zagreb - Croatie

National Film Board of Canada Production
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