National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Rights from the Heart - Part 2/Droits au coeur - Volet 2


The second of three collections based on the values proclaimed by the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child consists of seven animated stories about children in various situations, designed to promote awareness of living conditions in children aged nine to twelve. An Artist illustrates children's right to develop their talents to their fullest potential (5 min. 15 sec.). Baroque'n Roll is about the right of children belonging to minority groups to enjoy their own culture (4 min 29 sec.). Ex-Child addresses the right of children under the age of 15 to exemption from military service (4 min. 57 sec.). A child's right to an adequate standard of living is the theme of Jonas et/e/and Lisa (9 min. 11 sec.). Overdose deals with a child's right to rest and leisure (5 min. 25 sec.). The right of a disabled child to enjoy a full and decent life is illustrated in The Tournament (6 min. 31 sec.). A child's right to a future in which dreams may be fulfilled is examined in Why? (8 min. 53 sec.).

1995, 44 min 03 s

Thérèse Descary
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada


Thérèse Descary

Prix et mentions

  • Prix UNICEF

    Festival internacional de Cine para Ninos / DIVERCINE
    Du 8 au 19 juillet 1996, Montevideo - Uruguay

National Film Board of Canada Production
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