National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

The Powder Room


From behind the closed doors of women's washrooms, The Powder Room reveals women sharing intimacies in the privacy of each other's company. Originating from the director's observation that women trade secrets with friends and strangers in public washrooms, this innovative and candid documentary takes us to high school bathrooms, seniors centers' powder roooms, Newfoundland dance halls, New York nightclubs, a sauna in Copenhagen, a Casablanca hamman and country-and-western bars in Texas. In each location, as women are filmed in verité sequences, they confess their joys, their frustrations and their pain about love, sex, relationships with men and friendships with each other.

1996, 49 min 34 s

Ann Kennard
Michael Allder
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Prix et mentions

  • Prix Director's Citation

    Black Maria Film and Video Festival
    1 janvier 1998, Jersey City - États-Unis
  • Mention d'honneur

    Festival international du film et de la vidéo
    Du 21 au 23 octobre 1997, Columbus - États-Unis
  • Certificat de mérite

    Long Island Film Festival
    Du 18 juillet au 3 août 1997, Hauppauge - États-Unis
  • prix Bronze Apple

    National Educational Media Network Competition
    1 mai 1997, Oakland - États-Unis

National Film Board of Canada Production
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