National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Totem Talk


Traditional Northwestern Native spiritual images combine with cutting-edge computer animation in this surreal story about the power of tradition. Three urban Native teens are whisked away to an imaginary land by a magical raven. Here, the young people meet a totem pole whose characters (a raven, a frog and a bear) come to life, becoming their teachers, guides and friends--demonstrating their significance to Northwest Native cultures and allowing the teens to understand the strength of their own traditions. Featuring a special interview segment with J. Bradley Hunt, the celebrated Northwest Coast Native artist on whose work the computer-animated characters in Totem Talk are based.

1997, 22 min

Annie Fraziér Henry
George Johnson
Maison de production
Full Regalia Productions
National Film Board of Canada

Guides pédagogiques


Annie Fraziér Henry
George Johnson
Bradley Hunt

Prix et mentions

  • Prix - catégorie: Meilleur film pour enfant

    Hot Docs
    Du 18 au 22 février 1998, Toronto - Canada

National Film Board of Canada Production
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