National Film Board of Canada

NFB - Collection

Forest Alert


We tend to see the forest as infinite, eternal. But this precious resource, once thought to be inexhaustible, is under threat. Forest Alert breaks through the silence and ignorance surrounding current forestry practices and questions our collective responsibility for the destruction of Quebec's rich timberlands. The script is typical of acclaimed Quebec singer/songwriter Richard Desjardins: strong words, striking imagery, paradoxes that challenge how our forests are managed. Opinions are firmly held and diametrically opposed. There are those who cherish this precious legacy and are worried about our exploitation of it. There are those, in government and industry, who swear that the forest will be preserved for future generations. Citing the concerns of professional foresters, the film is a direct attack on the depredation of what should be a sustainable resource. Forest Alert asks the ultimate question: Are our forests in good hands? In French with English subtitles.

1999, 68 min 33 s

Richard Desjardins
Robert Monderie
Bernadette Payeur
Éric Michel
Maison de production
National Film Board of Canada

Aussi disponible en anglais

Prix et mentions

  • Mention d'honneur - catégorie: Meilleur scénario (Richard Desjardins)

    Hot Docs
    Du 1 au 7 mai 2000, Toronto - Canada
  • Grand Prix du festival, mention environnement - assorti d'une bourse de 12,500FF

    Festival international du film nature et environnement
    Du 9 au 14 novembre 1999, Grenoble - France
  • Prix du Reportage/Magazine - assorti d'une bourse de 10,000Frs

    Festival international du film d'environnement / RIENA
    Du 13 au 19 octobre 1999, Paris - France
  • Prix du développement durable en milieu rural (remis par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche)

    Du 12 au 16 octobre 1999, Lille - France
  • Prix Jutra - meilleur documentaire

    Soirée des Jutra
    7 mars 1999, Montréal - Canada

National Film Board of Canada Production
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