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1998, c. 10

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103. The definitions in this section apply in this Part.


« tribunal »

"court" means

    (a) the Ontario Court (General Division);

    (b) the Superior Court of Quebec;

    (c) the trial division or branch of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland;

    (d) the Court of Queen's Bench for New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta;

    (e) the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia and British Columbia;

    (f) the Supreme Court of Yukon, the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories and the Nunavut Court of Justice; and

    (g) the Federal Courts.


"court of appeal"

 « tribunal d'appel »

"court of appeal" means, in the province in which an order referred to in subsection 119(3) is made, the court of appeal for that province as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code. It includes the Federal Court of Appeal.




104. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the navigation and use of the navigable waters of a natural or man-made harbour, other than a harbour to which Part 1 or 2 applies, including regulations for the safety of persons and ships in those waters.


(2) Regulations made under subsection (1) may apply only to navigable waters designated by the Governor in Council.


(3) A regulation made under subsection (1) may be made binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.


105. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations generally for carrying out the purposes of this Act.


(2) A regulation made under subsection (1) may be made binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.


Traffic Control


106. Subject to regulations made under section 104, a person or a member of a class of persons designated by the Minister under this section may take the measures necessary for the control of traffic in the navigable waters designated by the Governor in Council under subsection 104(2), and sections 56 to 59 apply with such modifications as the circumstances require, except that, in making those modifications to section 58, the references in that section to a person or member of a class of persons designated under subsection 58(1) shall be taken to be references to a person or member of a class of persons designated under this section.


Liability for Fees


107. (1) The fees and interest fixed under this Act in respect of a ship or goods shall be paid by the owner or the person in charge of the ship or the owner of the goods without prejudice to any right of recourse the owner or person may have in law against a third party for the recovery of the amounts so paid.


(2) The fees and interest fixed under this Act in respect of a person, vehicle or aircraft shall be paid by that person or by the owner of the vehicle or aircraft.






108. (1) The Minister may designate any person or member of a class of persons as an enforcement officer for any of the purposes of this Act or the regulations and shall furnish each person so designated with a certificate of designation setting out the purposes and areas for which the enforcement officer is designated.


(2) A designation as an enforcement officer is in respect of any of the following areas:


    (a) a port in respect of which letters patent have been issued to a port authority;

    (b) a public port or public port facility;

    (c) all or part of the Seaway; or
    (d) all or part of the navigable waters designated under subsection 104(2).
(3) In carrying out duties and functions under this Act, an enforcement officer shall, on request, produce the certificate of designation to the individual appearing to be in charge of any ship, vehicle, aircraft, premises or other place or any goods, in respect of which the officer is acting.



109. (1) An enforcement officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act, other than sections 58, 76, 99 and 106, or of a regulation made under this Act, other than under subsection 27(1),


    (a) board any ship or enter any vehicle, aircraft, premises or other place, other than living quarters, and carry out any inspection the officer considers necessary; and
    (b) require any person appearing to be in charge of the ship, vehicle, aircraft, premises or other place to produce for inspection, or for the purpose of making copies or extracts, any log book, document or paper.
(2) In carrying out an inspection of a place, an enforcement officer may


    (a) use or cause to be used any computer system or data processing system at the place to examine any data contained in, or available to, the system;
    (b) reproduce any record, or cause it to be reproduced from the data, in the form of a print-out or other intelligible output and remove the print-out or other output for examination or copying; and
    (c) use or cause to be used any copying equipment at the place to make copies of any books, records, electronic data or other documents.


110. The owner or person who is in possession or control of a place that is inspected under section 109, and every person who is found in the place, shall


    (a) give the enforcement officer all reasonable assistance to enable the officer to carry out the inspection and exercise any power conferred by that section; and
    (b) provide the enforcement officer with any information relevant to the administration of this Act or the regulations that the officer may reasonably require.

Search and Seizure


111. (1) An enforcement officer with a warrant issued under subsection (3) may, at any reasonable time, search any ship, vehicle, aircraft, premises or other place if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that there is in the place


    (a) anything on or in respect of which an offence under this Act is being or has been committed; or

    (b) anything that there are reasonable grounds to believe will afford evidence with respect to the commission of an offence under this Act.


(2) An enforcement officer may seize anything found in the course of a search that the officer believes on reasonable grounds is a thing referred to in paragraph (1)(b).


(3) A justice may issue a warrant authorizing the enforcement officer named in it to carry out a search, subject to any conditions that may be specified in the warrant, where on ex parte application the justice is satisfied by information on oath that the circumstances set out in subsection (1) exist.


(4) In executing a warrant, an enforcement officer shall not use force unless the use of force is specifically authorized in the warrant and the officer is accompanied by a peace officer.


112. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an enforcement officer may exercise the powers described in subsection 111(1) without a warrant if the conditions for obtaining a warrant exist but, by reason of exigent circumstances, it would not be practical to obtain one.


(2) An enforcement officer may not search living quarters without a warrant unless the officer first obtains the consent of the occupant.
113. In carrying out a search of a place under section 111 or 112, an enforcement officer may exercise the powers described in section 109.
114. An enforcement officer or any person accompanying an enforcement officer may, while carrying out an inspection or search under this Act, enter on and pass through or over private property without the owner of the property having the right to object to that use of the property.


Detention of Ships


115. (1) An enforcement officer may make a detention order in respect of a ship or goods carried on a ship if the officer believes on reasonable grounds


    (a) that the owner or person in charge of the ship or goods has, in respect of the ship or goods, contravened any provision of this Act;
    (b) that an amount is due and payable for fees or interest imposed under this Act; or
    c) that property that is managed by a port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) has been damaged by the ship or through the fault or negligence of a member of the crew of the ship acting in the course of employment or under the orders of a superior officer.
(2) A person designated under subsection 58(1) may make a detention order in respect of a ship or goods if the person believes on reasonable grounds that an offence described in subsection 59(1) has been committed by or in respect of the ship.


(3) The power to make a detention order under this section may be exercised only within the area specified in the designation of the enforcement officer or person designated under subsection 58(1).


(4) A detention order made under subsection (1) or (2) shall be in writing and be addressed to all persons who, at the place where the ship is or will be, are authorized to give a clearance in respect of the ship.


116. (1) Where a detention order under subsection 115(1) or (2) is made in respect of a ship, notice of the order shall be served on the master of the ship


    (a) by delivering a copy of it personally to the master; or

    (b) if personal service is not reasonably practicable,

      (i) by leaving a copy of it for the master with the person on board who is, or appears to be, in charge of the ship, or

      (ii) by leaving a copy of it with the owner of the ship residing in Canada or, if the owner is unknown or cannot be found, fixing a copy of it to a prominent part of the ship.

(2) Where notice of a detention order in respect of a ship is served under subsection (1) and, during the term of the detention order, the master or owner of the ship gives an order for the ship to depart from the port in which it is detained, the master or owner, as the case may be, is guilty of an offence.


(3) Subject to subsection (4), no person to whom a detention order is addressed in accordance with subsection 115(4) shall, after receipt of the order, give clearance in respect of the ship to which the order relates.


(4) A person to whom a detention order is addressed in accordance with subsection 115(4) and who has received the order shall give clearance in respect of the ship to which the order relates if the person believes on reasonable grounds that


    (a) the ship has not been charged with an offence under this Act within thirty days after the making of the detention order;

    (b) the ship has been charged with an offence under this Act within thirty days after the making of the detention order and

      (i) security satisfactory to the Minister for payment of the maximum fine that could be imposed, or security in a lesser amount approved by the Minister, is given to Her Majesty in right of Canada, or

      (ii) proceedings in respect of the alleged offence that gave rise to the making of the detention order are discontinued;

    (c) an amount is due and payable by the ship in respect of fees imposed under this Act and there has been deposited in court security in an amount not exceeding the amount of the fees, including interest, and of a kind satisfactory to the port authority, to the Minister or to the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be;

    (d) an amount is claimed against the ship for damages referred to in paragraph 115(1)(c) and there has been deposited in court security in an amount not exceeding the amount of the damages, as estimated by the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, and of a kind satisfactory to them; or

    (e) an amount satisfactory to the port authority, to the Minister or to the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, has been paid to the port authority, the Minister or the person in respect of the ship in respect of the fees payable or the damages referred to in paragraph 115(1)(c).


(5) Where the owner or master of a ship disputes the amount of security demanded under paragraph (4)(c) or (d), the owner may apply to a court to determine the amount of security.


117.(1) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may apply to a court for an order authorizing the sale of a ship where


    (a) the ship is detained under a detention order in respect of an offence under this Act;

    (b) the ship has been charged with an offence under this Act within thirty days after the making of the detention order;

    (c) no one has appeared on behalf of the ship to answer to the charge within thirty days after the laying of the charge; and

    (d) the security referred to in paragraph 116(4)(b) has not been given.


(2) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may apply to a court for an order authorizing the sale of a ship where

    (a) the ship is detained under a detention order for non-payment of fees or interest;

    (b) proceedings have been commenced against the ship within thirty days after the making of the detention order;

    (c) no one has appeared or filed a response in the proceedings on behalf of the ship within thirty days after the commencement of the proceedings; and

    (d) the security referred to in paragraph 116(4)(c) has not been given.


(3) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may apply to a court for an order authorizing the sale of a ship where


    (a) the ship is detained under a detention order in respect of damages referred to in paragraph 115(1)(c);

    (b) proceedings have been commenced against the ship within thirty days after the making of the detention order;

    (c) no one has appeared or filed a response in the proceedings on behalf of the ship within thirty days after the commencement of the proceedings; and

    (d) the security referred to in paragraph 116(4)(d) has not been given.


(4) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may apply to a court for an order authorizing the sale of a ship where


    (a) the ship is detained under a detention order for one of the reasons referred to in paragraphs 115(1)(a) to (c);

    (b) the ship has been charged with an offence under this Act or proceedings have been brought against it in respect of the non-payment of fees or damages referred to in paragraph 115(1)(c) within thirty days after the making of the detention order;

    (c) within thirty days after the day on which the ship was charged with the offence or the proceedings were commenced, someone has appeared or filed a response on behalf of the ship but the security referred to in subsection 116(4) has not been given; and

    (d)the ship is convicted or found liable, as the case may be, and the fine imposed or the amount of the damages and interest is not immediately paid.


118. (1) As soon as is feasible after making an application for the sale of a ship under section 117, the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, shall give notice of the application by registered mail to


    (a) the registrar of the register in which the ship is recorded;

    (b) the holder of any mortgage against the ship that is registered on the register referred to in paragraph (a); and

    (c) the holder of any maritime lien against the ship and the holder of any like interest, if the holder is known to the port authority, the Minister or the person at the time of application.


(2) A notice sent by registered mail is deemed to have been given to the person to whom it was sent on the day on which an acknowledgement of receipt is received by the port authority, the Minister or the person.


(3) Where the court seized of an application for the sale of a ship is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, the court may relieve the port authority, the Minister or the person of the obligation to give the notice referred to in subsection (1), or authorize them to give the notice in any other manner the court considers appropriate.


119. (1) Where an application is made for the sale of a ship, the following persons may apply within the periods stated to the court seized of the application for an order described in subsection (2):


    (a) any person referred to in paragraph 118(1)(b) or (c), within sixty days after the notice required under that paragraph is given to the person; and

    (b) any other person who claims an interest in the ship as a mortgagee or as the holder of a maritime lien or any like interest, within sixty days after the application is made.


(2) A court seized of an application made under subsection (1) shall grant the applicant an order declaring the nature, extent and priority of the applicant's interest at the time of the commission of the offence, the non-payment of the fees or interest or the causing of damages if it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that the applicant


    (a) acquired the interest in good faith before the act or omission for which the ship was detained; and

    (b) is innocent of any complicity or collusion in respect of the act or omission for which the ship was detained.


(3) A person who makes an application under subsection (1), and the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may appeal to the court of appeal from an order referred to in subsection (2).


(4) A court shall not hear an application for the sale of a ship until all applications made under subsection (1) in respect of the ship have been heard.


(5) A court seized of an application for the sale of a ship may


    (a) authorize the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, to sell the ship in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions the court considers appropriate; and

    (b) on application by the port authority, the Minister or the person, as the case may be, give directions as to the ranking of the interests of persons who have obtained an order referred to in subsection (2).


120. (1) If a ship is sold under an order, the proceeds of the sale shall be applied first to satisfy claims for wages of crew members under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and then to satisfy the following claims in order of priority:

    (a) the following amount:

      (i) the maximum fine that could have been imposed for the offence in a case where subsection 117(1) applies,

      (ii) the fees and interest due and payable in a case where subsection 117(2) applies,

      (iii) the amount of the damages in a case where subsection 117(3) applies, or

      (iv) the fine actually imposed or the amount for which the ship is found liable in a case where subsection 117(4) applies;

    (b) the costs of the detention and sale; and

    (c) the interests of persons who have obtained an order referred to in subsection 119(2), according to the ranking directed by the court under paragraph 119(5)(b).


(2) Any surplus of the proceeds of sale remaining after all claims have been satisfied shall be paid to the person registered as the owner of the ship or, in the absence of any registration, to the person who owns the ship.


(3) Where the proceeds of sale of a ship are insufficient to satisfy the claims described in paragraph (1)(a) or (b), the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may proceed against the owner of the ship for the balance owing.


(4) On selling a ship pursuant to an order, the port authority, the Minister or the person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, may, by bill of sale, give the purchaser a valid title to the ship free from any mortgage or other claim that is in existence at the time of the sale.


(5) Nothing in subsection (4) is to be interpreted as meaning that the ship may be registered in the name of the purchaser.


(6) No ship sold pursuant to this section is deemed to have been duty paid under the Customs Tariff by reason only of that sale.


(7) Every seizure and detention made under this Act shall be at the risk, cost and charges of the owner of the ship or goods until all amounts due or fines imposed, together with all costs and charges incurred in the seizure and detention and the costs of any conviction obtained, have been paid in full.


Other Powers


121. Where, in the opinion of an enforcement officer, any goods that have been seized and detained under this Act, or that have been abandoned, are likely to rot, spoil or otherwise perish, the officer may sell or otherwise dispose of the goods in the manner and for the price that is reasonable in the circumstances, and the proceeds of the disposition are to be credited toward payment of the amount due or payable in respect of the ship or goods and the expenses incurred in connection with the detention and sale.


122. (1) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, has at all times a lien on a ship and on the proceeds of its disposition for an amount owing to the port authority, the Minister or the person, and the lien has priority over all other rights, interests, claims and demands, other than claims for wages of crew members under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, if the amount is owing in respect of


    (a) fees and interest in respect of the ship or goods carried on the ship; or

    (b) damage to property caused by the ship or through the fault or negligence of a member of the crew of the ship acting in the course of employment or under the orders of a superior officer.


(2) A port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5), as the case may be, has at all times a lien on goods on the property under their jurisdiction for fees and interest owing to them in respect of the goods, the lien having priority over all other rights, interests, claims and demands and they may seize the goods.


123. (1) Where an enforcement officer is of the opinion that a ship or goods left or abandoned within the enforcement officer's area of designation as provided in subsection 108(2), impede, interfere with or render difficult or unsafe the use of that area, the officer may direct the person who appears to be in charge of the ship or goods to remove the ship or goods to a place that the officer considers suitable within or outside the area.


(2) If a person fails to remove a ship or goods as directed by an enforcement officer under subsection (1) or if no person appears to be in charge of the ship or goods, the officer may detain the ship or goods and remove them to a place that the officer considers suitable, and the costs of the detention and removal are recoverable in the same manner as fees payable under this Act.


124. The right of a port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) to detain a ship or seize goods under this Act is exercisable whether or not title to or possession of the ship or goods is, at the time of the exercise of the right, in the same person as the person who held the title or possession at the time when, in the opinion of the port authority, the Minister or the person, the amount owing first became due and payable.


125. Whether or not a port authority, the Minister or a person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) exercises the right to detain ships and seize goods under this Act, they may proceed against the owner of a ship or goods in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount owing to them, or for the balance of that amount in the event of the sale of the ship or goods, and may also exercise against the owner of the ship or goods any other right or remedy available at law.


Offences and Punishment


126. A person is guilty of an offence if the person


    (a) fails to comply with any reasonable requirement of an enforcement officer in the course of carrying out duties and functions under this Act;

    (b) knowingly makes a false or misleading statement, either orally or in writing, to an enforcement officer; or

    (c) otherwise obstructs or hinders an enforcement officer.


127. (1) A person who contravenes a provision of this Act, other than section 107, or the regulations for which no penalty is otherwise provided under this Act or under regulations made under paragraph 27(1)(a) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $5,000 in the case of an individual, and of not more than $50,000 in the case of a corporation.


(2) No person shall be found guilty of an offence under this Act if the person establishes that the person exercised due diligence to prevent its commission.


(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a director or officer of a port authority is not guilty of an offence under this Act for non-compliance with the code of conduct set out in the letters patent of the port authority.


128. (1) When an offence under this Act is committed by a person on more than one day or is continued by a person for more than one day, it is deemed to be a separate offence for each day on which it is committed or continued.


(2) Proceedings in respect of an offence under this Act may be commenced at any time within, but not later than, one year after the time when the subject-matter of the proceedings arose.


129. (1) Where a person is guilty of an offence under Part 1 or the regulations made under paragraph 27(1)(a), a court in which proceedings in respect of the offence are taken may, in addition to any punishment it may impose, order the person to comply with those provisions for the contravention of which the person is convicted.


(2) No civil remedy for an act or omission is suspended or affected by reason that the act or omission is an offence under Part 1 or the regulations made under paragraph 27(1)(a).







130. On the coming into force of an agreement entered into under subsection 80(5), sections 44 to 46 of the Canada Labour Code apply as if


    (a) a sale of a business had taken place between the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority and the person who has entered into the agreement; and

    (b) the employees designated under section 131 for the property or undertaking that is the subject of the agreement were employees of the business.


131. The Minister may designate any employee who performs duties or functions in respect of properties or undertakings that are the subject of an agreement entered into under subsection 80(5) as a designated employee for that property or undertaking.


Local Port Corporations


132. On the continuance of a local port corporation under section 12 as a port authority, sections 44 to 46 of the Canada Labour Code apply as if


    (a) a sale of a business had taken place between the local port corporation and the port authority; and

    (b) the employees of the local port corporation were employees of the business.


Harbour Commissions


133. Where, under section 10, letters patent of continuance as a port authority are issued to a harbour commission established under the Harbour Commissions Act, The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners Act or The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911, sections 44 to 46 of the Canada Labour Code apply as if


    (a) a sale of a business had taken place between the harbour commission and the port authority; and

    (b) the employees of the harbour commission were employees of the business.


Non-corporate Ports of Canada Ports Corporation


134. For the purposes of sections 135 to 137, the Minister may designate any employee of the Canada Ports Corporation who performs duties or functions in respect of a non-corporate port, within the meaning of the Canada Ports Corporation Act, as a designated employee for that port.


135. (1) Where, under section 12, letters patent as a port authority are issued to a non-corporate port, sections 44 to 46 of the Canada Labour Code apply as if


    (a) a sale of a business had taken place between the Canada Ports Corporation and the port authority; and

    (b) the employees designated under section 134 for that non-corporate port were employees of the business.


(2) Notwithstanding any provision of the Canada Labour Code to the contrary, that Act applies after the date of the repeal of the Canada Ports Corporation Act in respect of the employment of the employees designated under section 134 in respect of non-corporate ports, other than non-corporate ports that are continued as port authorities under section 12, and, for those purposes, sections 44 to 46 and 189 of the Canada Labour Code apply as if a sale of a business had taken place between the Canada Ports Corporation and the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty.


(3) The employment of the designated employees is deemed to be continuous.


136. (1) The Minister may, on behalf of Her Majesty, appoint any employees that the Minister considers appropriate for the operation of a non-corporate port, other than a non-corporate port continued as a port authority under section 12, and may, subject to any collective agreement in force, determine the terms and conditions of employment and remuneration, assign duties and functions and terminate employment in respect of those employees and of the employees whose employment is continued under subsection 135(2).


(2) For the purposes of the Government Employees Compensation Act, the employees referred to in subsection (1) are deemed to be employees in the federal public administration.


137. The Minister may delegate the powers and responsibilities of Her Majesty as employer under Part I of the Canada Labour Code to any person the Minister considers appropriate.


138. For greater certainty, the Public Service Labour Relations Act does not apply to designated employees of a non-corporate port that is continued as a port authority under section 12, or to employees appointed under subsection 136(1), after the date of the repeal of the Canada Ports Corporation Act.


Comparable Employee Benefits


138.1 For the purposes of section 40.1 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, the continuance or incorporation of a local port corporation or a non-corporate port as a port authority under section 12 is deemed to be a transfer or divestiture, by Her Majesty in right of Canada, of the administration of a service to a person.


138.2 A person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) and every port authority shall take all reasonable steps to negotiate with the President of the Treasury Board a pension transfer agreement in accordance with section 40.2 of the Public Service Superannuation Act in respect of employees referred to in paragraph 130(b), 132(b) or 135(1)(b), as the case may be.


138.3 For the purposes of sections 138.4 to 138.6, ``employee benefits'' includes coverage and benefits in respect of employer-sponsored pension plans and of life, income protection, health care and dental care insurance plans.


138.4 A person who has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) shall, in respect of an employee referred to in paragraph 130(b), provide employee benefits that


    (a) begin on the day of the transfer under paragraph 80(6)(f) or, if there is transitional coverage provided in respect of the person under section 40.1 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on the expiry of the period of transitional coverage;

    (b) are comparable to the employee benefits of the employee immediately before the transfer under paragraph 80(6)(f) and at a rate of contribution by the employee not greater than the rate that was applicable in respect of the employee immediately before that transfer; and

    (c) end on the day on which an agreement to the contrary comes into force between the person and the bargaining agent representing the employee or, in the case of an unrepresented employee, the person and the employee.


138.5 A port authority shall, in respect of an employee referred to in paragraph 132(b), provide employee benefits that


    (a) begin on the day on which the port authority is continued under subsection 12(1) or, if there is transitional coverage provided in respect of the port authority under section 40.1 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on the expiry of the period of transitional coverage;

    (b) are comparable to the employee benefits of the employee immediately before ceasing to be an employee of the local port corporation and at a rate of contribution by the employee not greater than the rate that was applicable in respect of the employee immediately before ceasing to be an employee of the local port corporation; and

    (c) end on the day on which an agreement to the contrary comes into force between the port authority and the bargaining agent representing the employee or, in the case of an unrepresented employee, the port authority and the employee.


138.6 A port authority shall, in respect of an employee referred to in paragraph 135(1)(b), provide employee benefits that


    (a) begin on the day on which the port authority is deemed to be incorporated under subsection 12(1) or, if there is transitional coverage provided in respect of the port authority under section 40.1 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on the expiry of the period of transitional coverage;

    (b) are comparable to the employee benefits of the employee immediately before ceasing to be an employee of the Canada Ports Corporation and at a rate of contribution by the employee not greater than the rate that was applicable in respect of the employee immediately before ceasing to be an employee of the Canada Ports Corporation; and

    (c) end on the day on which an agreement to the contrary comes into force between the port authority and the bargaining agent representing the employee or, in the case of an unrepresented employee, the port authority and the employee.





139. (1) On the repeal of the Canada Ports Corporation Act, the Canada Ports Corporation is dissolved and all its assets and obligations devolve to the Crown under the administration of the Minister.


(2) The directors of the Canada Ports Corporation cease to hold office on the coming into force of section 197 and have no right to claim or receive any compensation, damages, indemnity or other form of relief from Her Majesty in right of Canada or from any servant or agent of Her Majesty for ceasing to hold office by virtue of this section.


(3) Neither the Canada Ports Corporation nor Her Majesty in right of Canada is bound by any severance agreement entered into between the Corporation and any of its officers after December 1, 1995.


140. (1) The Minister may enter into agreements with any person, including the government of a province, in respect of


    (a) ensuring the continuation of services in fulfilment of Canada's constitutional obligations;

    (b) ensuring the continuation of services similar to those provided by Marine Atlantic Inc. before the transfer, sale or disposal, on the terms and conditions that the Minister considers appropriate, including by making financial contributions or grants or any other financial assistance; and

    (c) the assets of Marine Atlantic Inc. that are transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of under subsection (2).


(2) Marine Atlantic Inc. is authorized to transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets used in any major business or activity of the corporation, including the shares of a subsidiary.


141. The Governor in Council may, by regulation, provide that any provision of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Act and the regulations made under that Act, including provisions imposing punishment, apply to The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc., with any modifications that the Governor in Council considers appropriate.


142. The Governor in Council may, by regulation, provide that any provision of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Act and the regulations made under that Act, including provisions imposing punishment, apply to The Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd., with any modifications that the Governor in Council considers appropriate.


143. The Minister is the appropriate minister for Ridley Terminals Inc. for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act.


144. A review of the provisions and operation of this Act shall be completed by the Minister during the fifth year after this Act is assented to. The Minister shall cause a report of the results of the review to be laid before each House of Parliament on any of the first fifteen days on which that House is sitting after the report is completed.





145. (1) Subsection 3(2) of the Pilotage Act is replaced by the following:


(2) On the recommendation of the Minister and after consultation with members of the Authority and with the users of its services, the Governor in Council may appoint the Chairman of an Authority to hold office during pleasure for the term that the Governor in Council considers appropriate.


(2) Section 3 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):


(3.1) The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman may be appointed to serve full-time or part-time.


146. Sections 5 to 8 of the Act are replaced by the following:


5. The name "Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd." is changed to "Great Lakes Pilotage Authority" and the Authority is deemed to have been established under subsection 3(1).


146.1 Section 11 of the Act is replaced by the following:


11. On the expiration of the term of office of a member of an Authority, the member is eligible for reappointment in the same or another capacity.


147. Subsection 13(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:


13. (1) Where the Chairman of an Authority serves full-time, the Chairman has the direction and control of the business of the Authority and may exercise such powers as may be conferred on the Chairman by by-law of the Authority.


(1.1) Where the Chairman of an Authority serves part-time, the board appoints a chief executive officer who has the direction and control of the business of the Authority and who may exercise such powers as may be conferred on the chief executive officer by by-law of the Authority.


148. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 15:


15.1 (1) Where a contract for services referred to in subsection 15(2) does not provide a mechanism for the resolution of disputes in the contract renewal process, fifty days before the contract expires, the parties to the contract shall jointly choose a mediator and an arbitrator and shall refer to the mediator all issues related to the renewal of the contract that remain unresolved.


(2) The Minister shall choose the mediator or arbitrator if the parties cannot agree on one or if the one they choose is unavailable.


(3) The mediator has thirty days in which to bring the parties to agreement on the outstanding issues, at the end of which time the parties to the contract shall refer all of the remaining outstanding issues to the arbitrator.


15.2 (1) The parties to the contract shall each submit a final offer in respect of the outstanding issues to each other and to the arbitrator within five days after the date on which those issues are referred to the arbitrator.


(2) Within fifteen days, the arbitrator shall choose one or other of the final offers in its entirety.


(3) The final offer chosen by the arbitrator is final and binding and becomes part of the new contract for services that is effective on the day after the former contract expires.


(4) The parties to the contract shall share equally the cost of the fees of the mediator or arbitrator.


15.3 A body corporate with which an Authority has contracted for services under subsection 15(2) and the members and shareholders of the body corporate are prohibited from refusing to provide pilotage services while a contract for services is in effect or being negotiated.


149. Subsection 33(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:


(3) The tariffs of pilotage charges prescribed by an Authority under subsection (1) shall be fixed at a level that permits the Authority to operate on a self-sustaining financial basis and shall be fair and reasonable.


150. Subsection 34(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:


34. (1) An Authority shall publish in the Canada Gazette a copy of each tariff of pilotage charges that it proposes to prescribe pursuant to section 33, and no tariff shall come into force before the expiration of thirty days after that publication.


151. Section 35 of the Act is replaced by the following:


35. (1) The Canadian Transportation Agency shall, after making the investigation, including the holding of public hearings, if any, and before the expiration of the period mentioned in subsection (2) or prescribed under subsection (3), make a recommendation to the Authority and the Authority shall govern itself accordingly.


(2) The Agency shall make its recommendation in respect of a proposed charge set out in a notice of objection filed under subsection 34(2) as expeditiously as possible, but no later than one hundred and twenty days after receiving the objection, unless a regulation made under subsection (3) provides otherwise or the parties agree to an extension.


(3) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, prescribe periods of less than one hundred and twenty days within which the Agency shall make its recommendation in respect of proposed charges set out in notices of objection.


(4) Where the Agency recommends a charge that is lower than that prescribed by the Authority, the Authority shall reimburse to any person who has paid the prescribed charge the difference between it and the recommended charge, with interest at the rate quoted by banks to the most credit-worthy borrowers for prime business loans, as determined by the Bank of Canada for the day on which the Agency recommends the lower charge.


(5) The publication requirements of subsection 34(1) do not apply in respect of pilotage charges fixed pursuant to a recommendation of the Agency.


(6) The Agency shall submit a copy of its recommendation to the Minister immediately after it is made.


(7) Section 40 of the Canada Transportation Act applies, with such modifications as the circumstances require, in respect of every recommendation of the Agency under subsection (1) as if the recommendation were a decision made pursuant to that Act.


152. The Act is amended by adding the following before section 36:


36.01 No payment to an Authority may be made under an appropriation by Parliament to enable the Authority to discharge an obligation or liability. This section applies notwithstanding any authority given under any other Act, other than an authority given under the Emergencies Act or any other Act in respect of emergencies.


153. Section 36 of the Act is replaced by the following:


36. An Authority may, for the purpose of defraying its expenses, borrow money in Canada or elsewhere in an amount not more than the maximum fixed for the Authority by the Governor in Council.


154. Paragraph 48(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:


    (a) any provision of this Act, other than section 15.3,

155. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 48:


48.1 A person who contravenes section 15.3 is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10,000 for each day on which the offence is committed or continued.


156. Section 49 of the Act is replaced by the following:


49. All fines collected pursuant to this Act, other than section 48.1, shall be paid to the Authority concerned.


157. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 52:




53. (1) The Minister shall, in consultation with each Authority, its users and other persons affected, at the latest one year after the coming into force of this section, review the pilot certification process for masters and officers, training and licensing requirements for pilots, compulsory pilotage area designations, dispute resolution mechanisms and the measures taken in respect of financial self-sufficiency and cost reduction, and prepare a report of the findings.


(2) The Minister shall have a copy of each report laid before each House of Parliament on any of the first thirty days on which that House is sitting after the Minister prepares it.


158. The Act is amended by replacing the name "Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd.'' with the name "Great Lakes Pilotage Authority'' in the following provisions:


    (a) subsections 46(1) and (2); and

    (b) the schedule.




Consequential Amendments


Access to Information Act


159. (1) Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'':
Canada Ports Corporation

    Société canadienne des ports

(2) Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd.
    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs, Limitée

160. Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    Administration de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent


161. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs


162. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Fraser River Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du fleuve Fraser

Halifax Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Halifax

Hamilton Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Hamilton

Montreal Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Montréal

Nanaimo Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Nanaïmo

North Fraser Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du North-Fraser

Port Alberni Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Port-Alberni

Prince Rupert Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Prince-Rupert

Quebec Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Québec

Saguenay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du Saguenay

Saint John Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Saint-Jean

Sept-Îles Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Sept-Îles

St. John's Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de St. John's

Thunder Bay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Thunder Bay

Toronto Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Toronto

Trois-Rivières Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Trois-Rivières

Vancouver Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Vancouver

Windsor Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Windsor


Canada Transportation Act


163. Subsection 50(3) of the Canada Transportation Act is replaced by the following:


(3) No regulation made under subsection (1) shall require or have the effect of requiring any person to provide the Minister with a contract referred to in subsection 68(1) or a contract entered into under subsection 126(1) or under section 53 of the Canada Marine Act.


Canadian Environmental Assessment Act


164. (1) The portion of the definition "federal authority'' in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act after paragraph (d) is replaced by the following:


    but does not include the Commissioner in Council or an agency or body of the Yukon Territory or the Northwest Territories, a council of the band within the meaning of the Indian Act, The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, The Toronto Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911, a harbour commission established pursuant to the Harbour Commissions Act, a Crown corporation within the meaning of the Financial Administration Act, a not-for-profit corporation that enters into an agreement under subsection 80(5) of the Canada Marine Act or a port authority established under that Act;


(2) Paragraph (a) of the definition "federal lands'' in subsection 2(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:


      (a) lands that belong to Her Majesty in right of Canada, or that Her Majesty in right of Canada has the power to dispose of, and all waters on and airspace above those lands, other than lands the administration and control of which have been transferred by the Governor in Council to the Commissioner of the Yukon Territory or the Northwest Territories and lands the management of which has been granted to a port authority under the Canada Marine Act or a not-for-profit corporation that has entered into an agreement under subsection 80(5) of that Act,


165. Section 9 of the Act is replaced by the following:


9. Before the Hamilton Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, The Toronto Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911, any harbour commission established pursuant to the Harbour Commissions Act, a not-for-profit corporation that enters into an agreement under subsection 80(5) of the Canada Marine Act or a port authority established under that Act exercises a power or performs a duty or function referred to in paragraph 5(1)(a), (b) or (c) in relation to a project, it shall ensure that an assessment of the environmental effects of the project is conducted in accordance with any regulations made for that purpose under paragraph 59(k) as early as is practicable in the planning stages of the project and before irrevocable decisions are made.


166. Paragraph 59(k) of the Act is replaced by the following:


    (k) respecting the manner of conducting assessments of the environmental effects of, and follow-up programs for, projects for which The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, The Toronto Harbour Commissioners constituted pursuant to The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911, any harbour commission established pursuant to the Harbour Commissions Act, a not-for-profit corporation that enters into an agreement under subse1ction 80(5) of the Canada Marine Act or a port authority established under that Act, exercises a power or performs a duty or function referred to in paragraph 5(1)(a), (b) or (c), respecting any action to be taken in respect of those projects during the environmental assessment process and, for those purposes, respecting the application of the laws from time to time in force in any province;


Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation
 and Safety Board Act


167. Paragraphs 29(1)(c) and (d) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act are replaced by the following:


    (c) any type of communications respecting marine traffic regulation or related matters that take place between any of the following persons, namely, marine traffic regulators, persons designated under subsection 58(1) or section 76, 99 or 106 of the Canada Marine Act, ship crew members (including masters, officers, pilots and ice advisers), and staff of Coast Guard radio stations, rescue coordination centres and subcentres and harbour master offices; or

    (d) any type of communications respecting maritime distress, maritime safety or related matters

      (i) that take place between any of the following persons, namely, Coast Guard radio station operators, ship crew members (including masters, officers, pilots and ice advisers), and staff of vessel traffic services centres, persons designated under subsection 58(1) or section 76, 99 or 106 of the Canada Marine Act, rescue coordination centres and subcentres, harbour master offices and ship agents' offices, or

      (ii) that take place between any person on shore and a ship via a Coast Guard radio station.


Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act


168. Section 31 of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2.1):


(2.2) The Governor in Council may, by order, amend Schedule I


    (a) by adding thereto the name of any port authority established under the Canada Marine Act; or

    (b) by deleting therefrom the name of any port authority.


169. Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


Canada Ports Corporation

    Société canadienne des ports

Halifax Port Corporation

    Société de port de Halifax

Montreal Port Corporation

    Société du port de Montréal

Port of Quebec Corporation

    Société de port de Québec

Prince Rupert Port Corporation

    Société de port de Prince Rupert

Vancouver Port Corporation

    Société du port de Vancouver


170. Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd.

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs, Limitée


171. Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    Administration de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent


172. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs


Financial Administration Act


173. Paragraph 89.1(3)(b) of the Financial Administration Act is replaced by the following:


    (b) a direction given under subsection 5(2) of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act, subsection 9(2) of the Canadian Commercial Corporation Act, subsection 11(1) of the Canadian Dairy Commission Act or subsection 34(3) of the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation Act; or


174. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd.

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs, Limitée


175. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    Administration de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent


176. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs


177. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


Ridley Terminals Inc.

    Ridley Terminals Inc.


178. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

    Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Inc.


179. Part I of Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


The Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd.

    La Corporation du Pont international de la voie maritime, Ltée


180. Part II of Schedule III to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


Canada Ports Corporation

    Société canadienne des ports

Halifax Port Corporation

    Société de port de Halifax

Montreal Port Corporation

    Société du port de Montréal

Port of Quebec Corporation

    Société de port de Québec

Prince Rupert Port Corporation

    Société de port de Prince Rupert

Saint John Port Corporation

    Société du port de Saint John

St. John's Port Corporation

    Société du port de St. John's

Vancouver Port Corporation

    Société du port de Vancouver


Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act


181. Paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act is replaced by the following:


    (a) any port, as defined in section 5 of the Canada Marine Act, or any harbour, works or property under the jurisdiction of a harbour commission established under an Act of Parliament; or


Canada Labour Code


182. The definition "private constable" in subsection 3(1) of the Canada Labour Code is replaced by the following:


" private constable"

« agent de police privé » 

"private constable" means a person appointed as a constable under Part III of the Canada Transportation Act;


Municipal Grants Act


182.1 The Municipal Grants Act is amended by adding the following after section 15:


16. Notwithstanding anything in this Act or any regulation made under this Act, a grant in lieu of a real property tax that may be made under this Act in respect of any real property managed or held by a port authority mentioned in subsection 10(1) or 12(2) of the Canada Marine Act shall not exceed the following:


    (a) for a taxation year beginning in 1999, 25 per cent of the grant that may, but for this section, be made under this Act;

    (b) for a taxation year beginning in 2000, 50 per cent of the grant that may, but for this section, be made under this Act; and

    (c) for a taxation year beginning in 2001, 75 per cent of the grant that may, but for this section, be made under this Act.


183. Schedule III to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


Canada Ports Corporation

    Société canadienne des ports


184. Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


Fraser River Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du fleuve Fraser

Halifax Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Halifax

Hamilton Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Hamilton

Montreal Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Montréal

Nanaimo Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Nanaïmo

North Fraser Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du North-Fraser

Port Alberni Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Port-Alberni

Prince Rupert Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Prince-Rupert

Quebec Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Québec

Saguenay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du Saguenay

Saint John Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Saint-Jean

Sept-Îles Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Sept-Îles

St. John's Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de St. John's

Thunder Bay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Thunder Bay

Toronto Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Toronto

Trois-Rivières Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Trois-Rivières

Vancouver Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Vancouver

Windsor Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Windsor


185. Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

    Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Inc.


186. Schedule III to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


The Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd.

    La Corporation du Pont international de la voie maritime, Ltée


187. Schedule IV to the Act is amended by striking out the following:


The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    Administration de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent


188. Schedule IV to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs


Navigable Waters Protection Act


189. Section 24 of the Navigable Waters Protection Act is replaced by the following:


24. Nothing in this Part affects the legal powers, rights or duties of harbour commissioners, harbour masters, port wardens, The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority or a port authority established under the Canada Marine Act in respect of materials that, under this Part, are not allowed to be deposited in navigable waters.


Privacy Act


190. The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Canada Ports Corporation

    Société canadienne des ports


191. The schedule to the Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd.

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs, Limitée


192. The schedule to the Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    Administration de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent


193. The schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs


194. The schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading "Other Government Institutions'':


Fraser River Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du fleuve Fraser

Halifax Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Halifax

Hamilton Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Hamilton

Montreal Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Montréal

Nanaimo Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Nanaïmo

North Fraser Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du North-Fraser

Port Alberni Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Port-Alberni

Prince Rupert Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Prince-Rupert

Quebec Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Québec

Saguenay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire du Saguenay

Saint John Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Saint-Jean

Sept-Îles Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Sept-Îles

St. John's Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de St. John's

Thunder Bay Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Thunder Bay

Toronto Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Toronto

Trois-Rivières Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Trois-Rivières

Vancouver Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Vancouver

Windsor Port Authority

    Administration portuaire de Windsor


Canada Shipping Act


195. Section 588 of the Canada Shipping Act is repealed.



195.1 Section 589 of the Act is replaced by the following:


589. All fines recovered under this Part shall be paid over to the Receiver General and shall form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.



196. Paragraph 604(a) of the Act is repealed.




197. The Canada Ports Corporation Act is repealed.


198. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, chapter 98 of the Statutes of Canada, 1912, is repealed.


199. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners Act, 1951, chapter 17 of the Statutes of Canada, 1951, is repealed.


200. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners Act, 1957, chapter 16 of the Statutes of Canada, 1957-58, is repealed.


201. The Harbour Commissions Act is repealed.


202. The Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act is repealed.


203. The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Act is repealed.


204. The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911, chapter 26 of the Statutes of Canada, 1911, is repealed.


204.1 The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1985, chapter 10 of the Statutes of Canada, 1986, is repealed.


Coming into Force


205. (1) Subject to this section, this Act comes into force on the later of January 1, 1999 and 150 days after the day on which it receives Royal Assent unless, before that day, the Governor in Council, by order, declares that this Act or any provision of this Act comes into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.


(2) Part 3, or any of its provisions, sections 141, 142, 146 and 158, subsection 159(2), sections 160, 161, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 198 to 201, 203 to 204.1 and any items of the schedule come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

(Section 6 and subsection 12(1))





1. Fraser River Port Authority
2. Halifax Port Authority
3. Hamilton Port Authority
4. Montreal Port Authority
5. Nanaimo Port Authority
6. North Fraser Port Authority
7. Port Alberni Port Authority
8. Prince Rupert Port Authority
9. Quebec Port Authority
10. Saguenay Port Authority
11. Saint John Port Authority
12. Sept-Îles Port Authority
13. St. John's Port Authority
14. Thunder Bay Port Authority
15. Toronto Port Authority
16. Trois Rivières Port Authority
17. Vancouver Port Authority
18. Windsor Port Authority



Belledune Port Authority

Administration portuaire de Belledune




1. Short title


2. Definitions


3. Aboriginal rights


4. National Marine Policy



5. Definitions
6. Application of Part
Agent of Her Majesty
7. Agent of Her Majesty
8. Letters patent
9. Supplementary letters patent
Continuance of Harbour Commissions
10. Continuance of harbour commissions
11. Consequences for commissioners
Initial Port Authorities
12. Continued or deemed incorporated
13. Consequences for former directors and commissioners
14. Appointment of directors
15. Experience
16. Persons excluded
17. Election of chairperson
18. Term of office
19. Ceasing to hold office
20. Power to manage
21. Appointment of officers
22. Duty of care of directors and officers
Legal Regime Applicable to Port Authorities
23. Liability arising when acting as agent of Crown
24. Financial Administration Act
25. No appropriation
26. No guarantee
27. Regulations
Capacity and Powers
28. Capacity and powers
29. Powers of port authority re railways
30. Power to make by-laws
31. Borrowing powers
32. Powers to invest
33. Deemed knowledge of letters patent
Annual Meeting
34. Annual meeting
35. Meeting open to public
36. Annual financial statements
Financial Management
37. Public to get financial statements
38. Books and systems
39. Business plan
40. Manner of presenting information
Special Examinations
41. Special examinations
42. Report
43. Examiner - auditor
44. Federal Real Property Act
45. Powers and obligations where management given
46. Disposition of federal real property
47. Navigable Waters Protection Act
48. Land-use plan
49. Fixing of fees
50. Discrimination among users
51. Notice of new or revised fees
52. Complaints
53. Fees by contract
Official Languages
54. Official Languages Act
Liquidation and Dissolution
55. Liquidation and dissolution
Port Traffic Control
56. Traffic control zones
57. Notice
58. Traffic control
59. Offences and punishment
60. Application to military and police ships
Order and Safety
61. Order and safety
62. Regulations
63. Powers re airport regulations
64. Evidence of limits of navigable waters



Designation by Governor in Council
65. Designation by regulation
66. Federal Real Property Act
67. Fixing of fees
68. Services
Harbour Masters and Wharfingers
69. Harbour masters and wharfingers
70. Agreements
Federal Real Property
71. Leases and licences
72. Agreements for disposal or transfer
73. Navigable Waters Protection Act
74. Regulations
75. Coming into force of regulations
Traffic Control
76. Traffic control



77. Definitions
78. Objectives
Powers of Minister
79. Powers of Minister
80. Transfer
81. Consolidated Revenue Fund
82. Rights and obligations preserved
Annual Meeting
83. Meeting open to public
Financial Management
84. Public to get financial statements
85. Books and systems
86. Audit
Special Examinations
87. Special examinations
88. Report
89. Examiner - other qualified auditor
90. Federal Real Property Act
91. Powers re property of Her Majesty
92. Fees
93. Discrimination among users
94. Notice of fees
Official Languages Act
95. Official Languages Act
96. Dissolution of Authority
97. Location of Authority
98. Regulations
Traffic Control
99. Traffic control
100. Powers of United States authority
101. Navigable Waters Protection Act
102. International Boundary Waters Treaty Act



103. Definitions
104. Regulations
105. Regulations
Traffic Control
106. Traffic control
Liability for Fees
107. Ships and cargo
108. Enforcement officers
109. Powers of enforcement officers
110. Duty to assist enforcement officers
Search and Seizure
111. Warrant
112. Where warrant not necessary
113. Powers during search
114. Entry
Detention of Ships
115. Detention - enforcement officer
116. Notice of detention order to be served on master
117. Sale of ship where no appearance and no security
118. Notice
119. Claiming interest
120. Payment of proceeds
Other Powers
121. Sale of perishable goods
122. Lien on ships
123. Obstruction of ports
124. Rights exercisable
125. Other remedies
Offences and Punishment
126. Offence
127. Offence and fine
128. Separate offence
129. Order to comply



130. Successor rights
131. Designation of employees
Local Port Corporations
132. Successor rights
Harbour Commissions
133. Successor rights
Non-corporate Ports of Canada Ports Corporation
134. Designation by Minister
135. Successor rights
136. Minister's powers
137. Delegation
138. Public Service Staff Relations Act
138.1 Public Service Superannuation Act



139. Dissolution of Canada Ports Corporation
140. Agreements - Marine Atlantic Inc.
141. Regulations - The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
142. Regulations - The Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd.
143. Ridley Terminals Inc.
144. Review of Act



145 to 158. Amendments to Pilotage Act



Consequential Amendments
159 to 162. Access to Information Act
163. Canada Transportation Act
164 to 166. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
167. Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
168 to 172. Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act
173 to 180. Financial Administration Act
181. Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act
182. Canada Labour Code
182.1 to 188. Municipal Grants Act
189. Navigable Waters Protection Act
190 to 194. Privacy Act
195 and 196. Canada Shipping Act
197. Canada Ports Corporation Act
198. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act
199. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1951
200. The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1957
201. Harbour Commissions Act
202. Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act
203. St. Lawrence Seaway Authority Act
204. The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1911
204.1 The Toronto Harbour Commissioners' Act, 1985


Coming into Force


205. Coming into force


Established by Statues of Canada, 1998
Chapter 10

List of Amendments
Section Statutes of Canada In force
1 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
2 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
2(1) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
3 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
4 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
5 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
6 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
7 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
8 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
8(2)(e) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
8(2)(f) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
8(2)(j) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
9 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
10 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
10(3)(b) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
10(3)(c) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
11 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
12 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
12(3)(b) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
12(3)(c) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
12(4)(b) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
12(4)(c) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
13 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
14 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
15 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
16 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
16(c) 2005, c. 22, s.113 2005/04/01
17 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
18 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
19 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
20 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
21 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
22 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
23 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
24 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
25 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
26 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
27 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
28 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
28(10) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
29 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
30 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
31 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
31(3) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
31(4) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
31(6) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
32 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
33 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
34 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
35 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
36 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
37 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
38 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
39 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
40 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
41 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
42 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
43 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
44 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
44(1) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
44(2) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
44(3) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
44(5) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
44(6) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
45 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
46 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
47 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
48 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
48(1) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
48(2) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
48(3) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
49 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
50 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
51 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
52 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
53 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
54 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
55 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
56 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
56(3) 2001, c.26 2007/07/01
57 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
58 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
58(2)(f) 2001, c.26 2007/07/01
59 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
60 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
61 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
62 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
62(1)(h) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
63 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
64 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(1) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(2) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(3) 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
65(4) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(5) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(6) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
65(7) 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
66 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
67 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
68 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
69 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
70 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
71 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
72 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
72(1)(a) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
72(1)(b) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
72(5) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
72(5) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
73 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
74 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
75 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
76 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
77 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
78 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
79 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
80 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
80(1) of the French version 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
80(3) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
81 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
82 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
83 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
84 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
85 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
86 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
87 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
88 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
89 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
90 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
. 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
91 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
91(2) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
91(3) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
91(4) 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
92 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
93 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
94 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
95 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
96 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
97 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
98 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
98(1) of the French version 2001, c. 4 2001/06/01
99 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
100 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
101 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
102 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
103 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
103(f) 1999, c. 3 1999/04/01
103(f) 2002, c. 7 s. 105 2003/04/01
103(g) 2003, c. 8 s. 183 2003/07/02
104 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
105 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
106 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
107 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
108 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
109 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
110 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
111 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
112 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
113 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
114 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
115 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
116 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
117 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
118 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
119 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
120 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
120(1) 2001, c.26 2007/07/01
121 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
122 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
122(1) 2001, c.26 2007/07/01
123 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
124 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
125 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
126 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
127 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
128 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
129 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
130 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
131 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
132 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
133 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
134 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
135 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
136 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
136(2) 2003, c. 22, s.114 2005/04/01
137 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
138 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
138 2005, c. 22, s. 223(b) 2005/04/01
138.1 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
138.2 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
138.3 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
138.4 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
138.5 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
138.6 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
139 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
141 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
142 1998, c.10 1998/08/26
143 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
144 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
145 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
146 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
147 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
148 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
149 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
150 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
151 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
152 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
153 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
154 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
155 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
156 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
157 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
158 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
159(1) 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
159(2) 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
160 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
161 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
162 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
162 the reference to
the Toronto Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/06/08
162 the reference to
the Nanaimo Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
162 the reference to
the North Fraser Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
162 the reference to
the Port Alberni Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
162 the reference to
the Thunder Bay Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
162 the reference to
the Windsor Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
162 the reference to
the Hamilton Port Authority
1998, c.10 2001/05/01
163 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
164 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
165 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
166 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
167 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
168 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
169 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
169 the reference to
the Canada Ports Commission
1998, c.10 2000/11/01
170 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
171 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
172 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
173 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
174 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
175 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
176 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
177 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
180 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
180 the reference to
the Canada Ports Commission
1998, c.10 2000/11/01
181 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
182 1998, c.10 1999/15/01
182.1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
183 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
184 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
184 the reference to
the Toronto Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/06/08
184 the reference to
the Nanaimo Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
184 the reference to
the North Fraser Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
184 the reference to
the Port Alberni Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
184 the reference to
the Thunder Bay Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
184 the reference to
the Windsor Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
184 the reference to
the Hamilton Port Authority
1998, c.10 2001/05/01
187 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
188 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
189 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
190 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
191 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
192 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
193 1998, c.10 1998/10/01
194 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
194 the reference to
the Toronto Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/06/08
194 the reference to
the Nanaimo Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
194 the reference to
the North Fraser Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
194 the reference to
the Port Alberni Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
194 the reference to
the Thunder Bay Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
194 the reference to
the Windsor Port Authority
1998, c.10 1999/07/01
194 the reference to
the Hamilton Port Authority
1998, c.10 2001/05/01
197 1998, c.10 2000/11/01
198 1998, c.10 2001/05/01
199 1998, c.10 2001/05/01
200 1998, c.10 2001/05/01
202 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
203 1998, c.10 1998/12/01
204 1998, c.10 1999/06/08
204.1 1998, c.10 1999/08/06
205   1999/03/01

Schedule Item
1 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
2 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
3 of Part 1 1998, c.10 2001/05/01
4 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
5 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/07/01
6 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/07/01
7 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/07/01
8 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
9 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
10 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
11 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
12 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
13 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
14 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/07/01
15 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/06/08
16 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/05/01
17 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/03/01
18 of Part 1 1998, c.10 1999/07/01
Part 2 SOR/2000-125 2000/03/29

Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices