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Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations

Standard 210.1


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User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars and multi-purpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004

Static Force Application Test Device

Optional Tether Anchorage Test for Passenger Cars until September 1, 2004

User-ready Tether Anchorages for
Restraint Systems (Standard 210.1)


210.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this section applies to every

(a) passenger car;

(b) three-wheeled vehicle;

(c) multi-purpose passenger vehicle and truck with a GVWR of 3 856 kg or less and an unloaded vehicle weight of 2 495 kg or less;

(d) school bus; and

(e) bus, other than a school bus, with a GVWR of 4 536 kg or less.


(2) This section does not apply to

(a) a convertible;

(b) an open-body type vehicle; or

(c) a designated seating position at which a built-in child restraint system is provided that is not part of a removable vehicle seat.



(3) Subject to subsections (3.2) and (3.3), a user-ready tether anchorage shall be installed

(a) for each forward-facing designated seating position, other than that of the driver, in a vehicle that has only one row of forward-facing designated seating positions; 

(b) for each forward-facing designated seating position in the second row of seating positions in a passenger car, three-wheeled vehicle or truck;

(c) for each of any two forward-facing designated seating positions in the second row of seating positions in a multi-purpose passenger vehicle that has five or fewer designated seating positions; and

(d) for each of any three forward-facing designated seating positions that are located to the rear of the first row of designated seating positions in a multi-purpose passenger vehicle that has six or more designated seating positions.

(e) for each of any two forward-facing designated seating positions, other than that of the driver or those of a bench seat that contains an adjacent seat in relation to the emergency exit, in a school bus that has 24 or fewer designated passenger seating positions;

(f) for each of any four forward-facing designated seating positions, other than that of the driver or those in a bench seat that contains an adjacent seat in relation to the emergency exit, in a school bus that has 25 or more, but 65 or fewer, designated positions;

(g) for each of any eight forward-facing designated seating positions, other than that of the driver or those in a bench seat that contains an adjacent seat in relation to the emergency exit, in a school bus that has 66 or more designated positions; and

(h) for each of any two forward-facing designated seating positions, other than that of the driver, in a bus other than a school bus.

(3.1) A user-ready tether anchorage shall be available for use at all times, except when the seating position for which it is installed is not available for use because the vehicle seat has been removed or converted to an alternate use such as the carrying of cargo.

(3.2) A truck that has no forward-facing designated seating position in the second row of seating positions is not required to be equipped with a user-ready tether anchorage before September 1, 2004.

(3.3) If a lower universal anchorage system is installed in a designated passenger seating position in the first row of designated seating positions in accordance with subsection 210.2(8) one user-ready tether anchorage shall be installed in that designated seating position.

(3.4) The number of user-ready tether anchorages required in the second row of designated seating positions under subsection (3) may be reduced by one if a user-ready tether anchorage is installed in the first row in accordance with subsection (3.3).

(4) The portion of a user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook shall be readily accessible and, if under a cover, the cover shall be identified by one of the symbols or the mirror image of one of the symbols set out in Figure 2 and shall be removable without the use of tools.


Tether Anchorage Positioning

(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the portion of each user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with a tether strap hook shall be located within the shaded zone, as shown in Figures 3 to 7, of the designated seating position for which it is installed, with reference to the H-point of a template described in section 4.1 of SAE Standard J826, Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation (July 1995), if

(a) the H-point of the template is located

(i) at the unique Design H-point of the designated seating position, as defined in section of SAE Recommended Practice J1100 (June 1993), at the full downward and full rearward position of the seat, or

(ii) in the case of a designated seating position that is equipped with a lower universal anchorage system, midway between the two lower universal anchorage system bars;

(b) the torso line of the template is at the same angle to the vertical plane as the vehicle seat back with the seat adjusted to its full rearward and full downward position and the seat back in its most upright position; and

(c) the template is positioned in the vertical longitudinal plane that contains the H-point of the template.

(5.1) In the case of a bus, no portion of the user-ready tether anchorage shall be located on the bus floor.

(6) Until September 1, 2004, the portion of each user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook may be located, in a passenger car, three-wheeled vehicle or multi-purpose passenger vehicle, within the shaded zone, as shown in Figures 8 to 11, of the designated seating position for which it is installed, with reference to the shoulder reference point of a template described in section 3.1 of SAE Standard J826 (June 1992), if

(a) the H-point of the template is located

 (i) at the unique Design H-point of the designated seating position, as defined in section of SAE Recommended Practice J1100 (June 1993), at the full downward and full rearward position of the seat, or

(ii) in the case of a designated seating position that is equipped with a lower universal anchorage system, midway between the two lower universal anchorage system bars;

(b) the torso line of the template is at the same angle to the vertical plane as the vehicle seat back with the seat adjusted to its full rearward and full downward position and the seat back in its most upright position; and

(c) the template is positioned in the vertical longitudinal plane that contains the H-point of the template.

(7) The portion of a user-ready tether anchorage in a vehicle that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook may be located outside the shaded zone referred to in subsection (5), if no part of the shaded zone is accessible without removing a seating component of the vehicle and the vehicle is equipped with a routing device that

(a) ensures that the tether strap functions as if the portion of the anchorage designed to bind with the tether strap hook were located within the shaded zone;

(b) is at least 65 mm behind the torso line, in the case of a non-rigid-webbing-type routing device or a deployable routing device, or at least 100 mm behind the torso line, in the case of a fixed rigid routing device; and

(c) when tested after being installed as it is intended to be used, is of sufficient strength to withstand, with the user-ready tether anchorage, the load referred to in subsection (8) or (9), as applicable.


Strength Requirements

(8) Subject to subsections (9) and (10), every user-ready tether anchorage in a row of designated seating positions shall, when tested, withstand the application of a force of 10 000 N

 (a) applied by means of one of the following types of test devices, installed as a child restraint system would be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, namely,

(i) a test device shown in Figures 12 to 16, or

(ii) a test device shown in Figures 7 and 8 of section 210.2, in the case of a designated seating position having a lower universal anchorage system;

(b) applied

 (i) in a forward direction parallel to the vehicle's vertical longitudinal plane through the X point on the test device, and

(ii) initially, along a line above the horizontal line, at an angle of 10 º ± 5 º to it.

(c) attained within 30 seconds, at any onset force rate of not more than 135 000 N/s; and

(d) maintained at a 10 000-N level for a minimum of one second.

(9) Until September 1, 2004, every user-ready tether anchorage in a row of designated seating positions in a passenger car or three-wheeled vehicle may, when tested, subject to subsection (10), withstand the application of a force of 5 300 N, which force shall be

(a) applied by means of a belt strap that

 (i) extends not less than 250 mm forward from the vertical plane touching the rear top edge of the vehicle seat back,

(ii) is fitted at one end with suitable hardware for applying the force and at the other end with a bracket for the attachment of the user-ready tether anchorage, and

(iii) passes over the top of the vehicle seat back as shown in Figure 19;

(b) applied

(i) in a forward direction parallel to the vehicle's longitudinal vertical plane, and

(ii) initially, along a horizontal line or along any line below that line that is at an angle to that line of not more than 20°;

(c) attained within 30 seconds, at any onset force rate of not more than 135 000 N/s; and
(d) maintained at a 5 300-N level for a minimum of one second.

(10) If the zones in which tether anchorages are located overlap and if, in the overlap area, a user-ready tether anchorage is installed that is designed to accept the tether strap hooks of two restraint systems simultaneously, both portions of the tether anchorage that are designed to bind with a tether strap hook shall withstand the force referred to in subsection (8) or (9), as the case may be, applied to both portions simultaneously.

(11) If a bench seat in a bus or a row of designated seating positions in another vehicle has more than one user-ready tether anchorage and a distance of 400 mm or more, measured in accordance with Figure 20, separates the midpoints of adjacent designated seating positions, the force referred to in subsection (8), (9) or (10), as the case may be, shall be applied simultaneously to each user-ready tether anchorage in the manner specified in that subsection.

(12) The strength requirement tests shall be conducted with the vehicle seat adjusted to its full rearward and full downward position and the seat back in its most upright position.

Figure 1 - Interface Profile of Tether Strap Hook

Figure 1 - Interface Profile of Tether Strap Hook

Figure 1 - Interface Profile of Tether Strap Hook

Figure 1 - Interface Profile of Tether Strap Hook

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Drawing not to scale

Figure 1 - Interface Profile of Tether Strap Hook


Figure2-1.jpg (27710 bytes)

Figure2-2.jpg (27790 bytes)

1.  Dimensions in mm
2.  Drawing not to scale
3.  Symbol may be embossed
4.  Colour of the symbol is at the option of the manufacturer

Figure 2 - Symbol Used to Identify the Location of a User-ready Tether Anchorage that is under a Cover

Figure 3 - Side View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "R" Point:  Shoulder reference point
5. "V" Point:  V-reference point, 350 mm vertically above and 175 mm horizontally back from H-point
6. "W" Point:  W-reference point, 50 mm vertically below and 50 mm horizontally back from "R" Point
7. "M" Plane:  M-reference plane, 1 000 mm horizontally back from "R"Point

Figure 3 - Side View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location


Figure 4 - Enlarged Side View of Strap Wrap-around Area, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "R" Point:  Shoulder reference point
5. "V" Point:  V-reference point, 350 mm vertically above and 175 mm horizontally back from H-point
6. "W" Point:  W-reference point, 50 mm vertically below and 50 mm horizontally back from "R" Point
7. "M" Plane:  M-reference plane, 1 000 mm horizontally back from "R" Point

Figure 4 - Enlarged Side View of Strap Wrap-around Area, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location


Figure 5 - Plan View (R-plane Cross Section), User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point
5. "V"Point:  V-reference point, 350 mm vertically above and 175 mm horizontally back from H-point
6. "W"Point:  W-reference point, 50 mm vertically below and 50 mm horizontally back from "R"Point

Figure 5 - Plan View (R-plane Cross Section), User-ready Tether Anchorage Location


Figure 6 - Front View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

1. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
2. Drawing not to scale
3. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point
4. "V"Point:  V-reference point, 350 mm vertically above and 175 mm horizontally back from H-point
5. "W"Point:  W-reference point, 50 mm vertically below and 50 mm horizontally back from "R"Point

Figure 6 - Front View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Location


Figure 7 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of User-ready Tether Anchorage Location

1. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
2. Drawing not to scale
3. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point
4. "V"Point:  V-reference point, 350 mm vertically above and 175 mm horizontally back from H-point
5. "W"Point:  W-reference point, 50 mm vertically below and 50 mm horizontally back from "R"Point

Figure 7 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of User-ready Tether Anchorage Location


Figure 8 - Side View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars and Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point
5. "M"Plane:  M-reference plane, 1 000 mm horizontally back from "R"Point

Figure 8 - Side View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars, Three-wheeled Vehicles and multi-purpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004


Figure 9 - Plan View (R-point Level), User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars and <br>Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004

1. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
2. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point


Figure 9 - Plan View (R-point Level), User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars, Three-wheeled Vehicles, Three-wheeled Vehicles and multi-purpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004


Figure 10 - Front View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars and <br>Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004

1. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
2. Drawing not to scale
3. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point


Figure 10 - Front View, User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars, Three-wheeled Vehicles and multi-purpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004


Figure 11 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars and <br>Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004

1. Portion of user-ready tether anchorage that is designed to bind with the tether strap hook to be located within shaded zone
2. Drawing not to scale
3. "R"Point:  Shoulder reference point

Figure 11 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of User-ready Tether Anchorage Optional Location for Passenger Cars, Three-wheeled Vehicles and multi-purpose Passenger Vehicles until September 1, 2004


Figure 12 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of the Static Force Application Test Device

Figure 12 - Three-dimensional Schematic View of the Static Force Application Test Device


Figure 13 - Side View, Static Force Application Test Device

1. Material:  6061-T6-910 Aluminum
2. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
3. Drawing not to scale
4. Break all outside corners

Figure 13 - Side View, Static Force Application Test Device


Figure 14 - Plan View, Static Force Application Test Device

1. Material:  6061-T6-910 Aluminum
2. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
3. Drawing not to scale
4. Break all outside corners and lightning hole edges approximately 1.5 mm
5. Break edges of vehicle seat belt path holes at least 4 mm
6. "B"= approximately 0.8 mm

Figure 14 - Plan View, Static Force Application Test Device


Figure 15 - Front View, Static Force Application Test Device

1. Material:  6061-T6-910 Aluminum
2. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
3. Drawing not to scale
4. "B"= approximately 0.8 mm
5. "C"= approximately 3.2 mm

Figure 15 - Front View, Static Force Application Test Device


Figure 16 - Cross Bar, Static Force Application Test Device

1. Material:  Steel
2. Dimensions in mm, except where otherwise indicated
3. Drawing not to scale
4. Break all outside corners approximately 1.5 mm
5. Surfaces and edges are not to be machined unless otherwise specified for tolerance.
6. Saw-cut or stock size material whenever possible.
7. Construction to be securely welded.

Figure 16 - Cross Bar, Static Force Application Test Device


Figure 19 - Side View, Optional Tether Anchorage Test for Passenger Cars until September 1, 2004

Figure 19 — Side View, Optional Tether Anchorage Test for Passenger Cars and Three-wheeled Vehicles until September 1, 2004


Figure 20


D = distance between vertical longitudinal planes passing through the centre of each user-ready tether anchorage installed at a given seating position.


1. The midpoint of a designated seating position lies in the vertical longitudinal planes passing through the centre of each user-ready tether anchorage installed at the seating position.

2. Measure the distance between the vertical longitudinal planes passing through the midpoints of adjacent designated seating positions along a line perpendicular to the planes.

Figure 20 - Measurement of Distance Between Adjacent Designated Seating Positions for Use in Simultaneous Testing


Established by

SOR/86-975 11 September, 1986 pursuant to sections 4 and 7 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, effective January 1, 1989.


SOR/92-545 17 September, 1992 pursuant to sections 4 and 7 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act

Subparagraph 210.1(2)(a)(i) of Schedule IV of the French version; and subsections 210.1(5) and (6) of Schedule IV.

SOR/94-669 25 October, 1994 pursuant to sections 4 and 7 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, effective April 25, 1995

Subsection 210.1(14)of Schedule IV.


SOR/95-536 7 November, 1995 pursuant to paragraph 5(1) (a) and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act

Subsection 210.1(14)of Schedule IV.

SOR/98-457 15 September, 1998 pursuant to section 5 and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, Coming into force:  a) in respect of passenger cars, on September 1, 1999; and b) in respect of multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks, on September 1, 2000

The heading to section 210.1 and section 210.1 of Schedule IV are replaced.

SOR/2000-44 1 February, 2000 pursuant to section 5 and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, coming into force:  a) in respect of passenger cars, on February 1, 2000; and b) in respect of multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks, on September 1, 2000.

Subsection 210.1(3.1) of Schedule IV is added following subsection (3); Subsection 210.1(4) of Schedule IV is replaced; Figures 2 and 3 to section 210.1 of Schedule IV are replaced; Figures 12 to 16 to section 210.1 of Schedule IV are replaced.

Subsection 210.1(1) of Schedule IV is replaced; The portion of subsection 210.1(3) before paragraph (b) is replaced; Section 210.1 is amended by adding subsections (3.2) (3.3) and (3.4) after subsection (3.1); Subparagraph 210.1(5)(a)(ii) is replaced; Subparagraph 210.1(6)(a)(ii) is replaced; Subparagraph 210.1(8)(a)(ii) is replaced; Subparagraph 210.1(8)(b)(ii)  is replaced; Subsection 210.1(11) is replaced; Figures 17 and 18 of section 210.1 are repealed; Section 210.1 is amended by adding Figure 20 after Figure 19; Schedule IV to the Regulations is amended by adding section 210.2 after section 210.1.

SOR/2003-272 24 July, 2003 pursuant to section 5 and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, comes into force 24 July, 2003.

Subsection 210.1(1) of Schedule IV is replaced; Paragraph 210.1(3)(b) of Schedule IV is replaced; The portion of subsection 210.1(6) of Schedule IV before paragraph (a) is replaced; The portion of subsection 210.1(9) of Schedule IV before paragraph (a) is replaced; The headings of Figures 8 to 11 to section 210.1 of Schedule IV are amended by replacing the words "Passenger Cars" with the words "Passenger Cars, Three-wheeled Vehicles"; The heading of Figure 19 to section 210.1 of Schedule IV is replaced.

SOR/2006-94 31 May, 2006 pursuant to section 5 and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, comes into force April 1, 2007.

Subsection 210.1(1) of Schedule IV, is replaced; Subsection 210.1(3) of Schedule IV is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end of paragraph (c) and by adding (e) to (h) after paragraph (d); The portion of subsection 210.1(5) of Schedule IV before paragraph (a) is replaced; Section 210.1 of Schedule IV is amended by addition (5.1); Subsection 210.1(11) of Schedule IV is replaced.

SOR/2007-180 July 31, 2007 pursuant to section 5 and subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act comes into force August 22, 2007.

The portion of subsection 210.1(5) of Schedule IV before paragraph (a) is replaced.

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