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Commercial and Business Aviation
Dangerous Goods Standards



Notice No. 9




Training Requirements for Handling, Offering for Transport, Transporting or Importing Dangerous Goods by Air


This Notice is of importance to anyone requiring training under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) requirements.

Regulations governing the Training 

The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) and by reference the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO TI's) requires the training of persons handling, offering for transport, transporting, or importing dangerous goods by air in Canada and between Canada and another country.

 Implementation of the Clear Language version TDGR - Training Requirements - August 15, 2002

On August 15, 2002 a person who handles, offers for transport, transports or imports dangerous goods will need to be trained according to the requirements of Part 6 of the Clear Language version of the TDGR or operate under the direct supervision of a trained person holding a valid Training Certificate.

Air operators and third parties contracted by air operators to fulfill one or more operators' responsibilities may provide training on the Clear Language version of the TDGR prior to August 15, 2002 upon approval of their revised TDGR Training Program by Transport Canada. 

Training conducted pursuant to the Clear Language version of the TDGR prior to August 15, 2002 will be valid for two years from date of issuance of the Training Certificate.

Implementation of the Clear Language version TDGR - Training Certificate Requirements - August 15, 2002

As of August 15, 2002, Part 6 - Training, of the Clear Language version of the TDGR states that a Training Certificate of a trained person must contain the:

  • Employer's name*, address of place of business, and signature;

  • Employee's name and signature;

  • Date the Training Certificate expires, preceded by the words "Expires on" or "Date d'expiration"; and

  • Aspects of handling, offering for transport or transporting of dangerous goods for which the employee is trained including the specific topics set out in section 6.2 of the TDGR (e.g . "All aspects of acceptance procedures for transporting by air"). 

* Can be another employee acting on behalf of the employer. In the case of a self-employed person, it must be signed by that person. 

On August 14, 2002 the employer may either amend Training Certificate to include all of the prescribed requirements of the Clear Language version of the TDGR, as stated above, or issue another Training Certificate as long as training is in compliance with the Clear Language version of the TDGR. 

Foreign Carriers 

A Training Certificate issued to a foreign member of a flight crew of an aircraft registered in a country that is a Member State of the ICAO, is a valid Training Certificate. 

Keeping Proof or Training 

An employer or a self-employed person must keep a record of training or a statement of experience, and a copy of the Training Certificate (electronic or paper-form) for two years after the expiry of the certificate. 

Note: A person's training should be up-to-date with the TDGR which, in turn, incorporate by reference other documents such as the ICAO TI's, the IMDG Code and the "Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulations". Consequently, additional training may have to be undertaken if regulatory changes applicable to the person's duties occur before the Training Certificate expires.

For additional information please call:

  • Atlantic : (506) 851-7247
  • Prairie and Northern : (780) 495-5278
  • Quebec : (514) 633-6838
  • Pacific : (604) 666-5655
  • Ontario : (416) 952-0000
  • Airline Inspection : (514) 633-3116

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